What did you do in your garden today?

Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
Picked all the chillies and aubergine in the greenhouse and moved the plants out to make room for pots from the patio, which I moved in, Tonight is predicted to be cold, possible frost.
Dug a row of carrots, completely destroyed by slugs, definitely going fully over to containers for carrots, I have had no slug problems there.
May 17, 2023
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Lebanon, Missouri
United States
Watered everything 3 time i Watered my garden but I mulched it well.

Tried selling some plants guy told me he quit dealing with plants with 3 year drought.

Dumped over two plants one was Aloe Vera, threw it away it's so invasive and I have many. The other was a Geranium. Going to try propagating cuttings.

Another woman had me interested in what she does. She takes cuttings off the ones that root well throw the rest away.

I almost forgot. I was watering and found a Big Ugly Bug didn't know what it was so I let it be and found out what it was. It's an Assassin Bug figured a name like that me and him are friends.

big rockpile
Last edited:
Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
Been going through bulbs in pots and troughs, some needed cleaning out thoroughly, infested with weeds, and then replanting, others were not too bad, but the soil level had dropped a lot, so topped them up with a mix of something nice. Cleared a greenhouse of finished aubergines and chillies (Still got a couple of them) and put the plants from the patio in for the winter. Potted up a few ornamental grass plants and a cyclamen that had seeded themselves in a piece I cleared for the missus to plant gladioli in.
Took a break this afternoon to get a covid vaccine, my 11th, a Moderna, supposed to be good for the new J1 variant. None of these vaccines are all that good at preventing infection, at least they make infections not so severe. Quite important as I am over 80 and immunosuppressed, maximum risk.
May 17, 2023
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Lebanon, Missouri
United States
Moved some plants inside. Cut some Coleus off and gathered some seed.

Did some watering.

Looked at what seed I had I don't know to get much seed next year.

Looked about doing Bees next Spring.

big rockpile
Jan 31, 2018
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The Tropic of Trafford
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Gave the mossy bits on the lawn a dose of iron sulphate.


Regardless of what I do I'm finding it impossible to get grass to grow in the shade of this acer palmatum.


It wasn't a problem when it was smaller. Even though I give its "fringe" a trim each year, the cover is too great.

It's a long time since it looked like this.


So I'm considering that in the winter, I'll remove the brick circle and make a "half moon" edge, similar to the one I have around the other acer, leaving a greater area of bare earth. I might need some more paving bricks.

This sorbus is still retaining its berries.



It, as well as other plants at the bottom of the garden, will benefit from the removal of the big tree in the garden next door to the left.

Little colour now in the garden, other than the new heathers, the roses are all but finished and this is the last flowering plant on the rockery.


Leaves from the trees in the garden to the right of ours are already starting to fall.
It'll be a weekly job to clear them for a couple of months. Fortunately, my old Flymo Ultraglide, with its big fan at the back, is great at collecting them when I mow.

I'll get into those trees in the winter with my long pruner and cut off more of the branches that hang over our garden, but they're a long way up now.
Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
Partly refilled and planted some of the buckets that had aubergine and tomato in, carrot, kale and chard, I'll let them get established in the greenhouse and see how it goes. Started my next trench, I have accumulated a bunch of wood and other stuff to go in it, finished off a bit of path between two beds and planted narcissi along side it. Cleared an overgrown space and started a new compost heap, cleaned up various pots with ornamental grass, box, cuttings etc. hoed a bit. Built up clay edges to raised bed and transferred primrose seedlings to it, they look nice in Spring and the roots hold the clay wall together. Trimmed all the flowers and small berries off the strawberries, it's too late for them to come to anything now, potted on a couple of runners. Generally pottered about.
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
The Tropic of Trafford
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
No gardening today, too busy.

We'd been without a washing machine nine for days, when the new one was delivered late on Saturday. So there's been a mountain of the stuff to process.

Because of her disability, there's not much my wife can do, even less since she came out of hospital four weeks ago. I've always done the washing. It's just a case of separating it into the, "right loads," then chucking it in the machine, then into the tumble dryer, taking it out and folding it before putting it a way. it's never a problem, but when there's a lot to do, it takes some time.
I fitted it in between cleaning, cooking and shopping (and watching tennis, football and cricket on TV).

It looks like it will be dry tomorrow, so at least the lawns will get mowed. I'm waiting for the wisteria leaves to "turn." Each year I strip them, not waiting for them to fall. I've done it for a couple of decades. Doesn't do them any harm. Saves collecting dead leaves on a daily basis for several weeks.

I'll also give them a "part prune," the main one I do between Christmas and New Year.

"Hog Hall," the new large hedgehog house, is coming on Wednesday, it will probably arrive while I'm out playing golf in the morning. But I reckon I'll have it ready for occupation by the evening.

It's getting warmer, 20C is expected on Wednesday, so there's a chance of hibernation not happening yet, so hopefully, I won't be wasting my time.

I'd visions of what happened with the six fox cubs we had under the tea-house five years ago.
Before we had them, as it got so hot in there during some days in the summer, I was in the habit of leaving a door open for several hours during the day, to reduce the temperature in there. Although there's the roof vent I leave open and two vents in the bottom of the back wall, it still got very hot in there.

As the summer progressed and I hadn't opened a door in case the cubs got in there, I was concerned that the old capacitors in my jukeboxes might start melting in the heat. So I bought and installed this fan in the wall over the middle door and put it on a timer.


The fox cubs left home three days later.
May 17, 2023
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Lebanon, Missouri
United States
Picked Peppers, Tomatoes and Okra today.

Took some Panels out of the garden.

My Garlic is coming up.

My Son don't see my urgency over things. Supposed to be in lower 30's in couple days. Got bunch of stuff out of the garden.

Moved stuff into the House and Greenhouse.

This year going to have Mother Plants and start a few cuttings. Going with seed on some things.

My Son did nothing all day. Told him his Hogs are not able to get water out of the through your watering then in and slowed him a Waterer chep but would do what he needs. He looks at it like why are you showing me this?
Told him the other day needed Mulcher put on the Mower. Get to it.
Had some soil brought in and I was waiting on him to level it out and till it. Then I hear him say at least there is no hurry on it because it's too late to plant. ??? BS.

Now some are saying why don't I do it instead of laying this on him. Well he is basically living with us. I no longer have a two car garage, a Shop and a shed for just my fishing stuff. They him and my wife I'm basically not to do anything. And top all he pushed his way into doing this.

big rockpile
Feb 13, 2021
Reaction score
United Kingdom
The missus has an eye playing her up , so I drove her this morning. I have been planting out tiny carrots in buckets seven in each. It's not really the time of year for them, but the buckets are empty from tomatoes and aubergines, and I can keep them in the cold greenhouse, where they were with tomatoes and aubergines in them, hopefully I will get carrots about March-April when I want them back for tomatoes. I have done some chard and kale as well, we shall see. The carrots were working well in Summer, though I picked a bit early and planted a few too many in each container, however they completely avoided any pests, the ones in the ground always get hit by slugs, even though I treat for them, just too tasty.
Shovelled out a bit more of the next 'grave', it's heavy work when wet, so little at a time, but my new light weight shovel is great, should have had one years ago, I had been using an old site shovel I picked up.

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