Nothing getting done today as it's raining slightly. If it's dry tomorrow, I'll get into the overhanging branches of next-door's trees with my telescopic pruners.
So just a general check round.
The acer palmatums are shedding their leaves.
This one will get "its fringe" trimmed a bit when they are all off. It's retained the shape I like.
This one will need more work to get it back to a more symmetrical shape. Might need a bit of wiring to encourage it to fill a couple of gaps in the canopy.
Both will have quite a number of dead lower branches to be removed. But it's the same every year. They are always replaced by new growth from the top.
Then there's the acer at the bottom of the garden.
We bought this in a pot off a stall in Altrincham market. I let it do its own thing until about ten years ago. I always called it our "Monet Acer." As it reminded me of the small figure in Monet's impressionist painting,"Sunlight Under the Poplars," which is the graphic on one of my jukeboxes.
(Before then, I always thought it was a dog, on closer inspection, it's a child).
This was it ten years ago.
Since then, I've kept it to this shape. I really like the change in colours through the year.
From, pink and pale green in the spring.
To as it is now.
It needs a lot of trimming of small branches that constantly bolt during the year and when the leaves have fallen it'll get a similar trim to the big one in the front garden, as it too gets every year to stop it getting too big.