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Mar 20, 2017
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WOW alp; 14c are you sitting in front of a nice roaring fire? :D(y)

Hehehe! You've got it. One top and in pyjama bottom. I was hot and bothered after cooking some simple noodles.. I certainly can't be a chef as I might self-combust in the kitchen.:LOL:

If you live further west, you would be in more trouble, Colin! Such a lot of terror stories. Tonight's going to be cold. I have covered my plants. Only a few. Should have done a bit more.

Six viburnums? Whoa! I think mine is going to flower this year. Bought one 2 years ago. Planted in the wrong place - too dry and too hot. Now it is in pot and so is its neighbour ceanothus which you could also consider for hedge, but make sure it is not a repens as this one is ground hugging. I killed mine as it was too happy spreading and blocking my entry to the door. I am simply beyond lousy!


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Sep 17, 2017
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Yes the Yeti is my Tonka Toy Logan; Bron and I looked at Yetis in 2014 but decided to buy the Fabia Monte Carlo instead thinking the size of the Yeti would make it expensive on fuel; the Monte was doing around 40mpg and it was a lovely car but then we received a VIP invitation to our local Skoda main dealer where we had bought the Monte from and our Yeti was sitting in the corner of the showroom attracting lots of attention; anyway we bought it and it being diesel we often see it recording 60mpg; whilst I was running it on it recorded a best of 78mpg which truly amazed us. A few years ago our government was pushing motorists to change from petrol to diesel cars saying diesel is better for the environment and diesel then cost less than petrol but not wishing to get into politics diesel is now condemned because we've now changed so I reckon if we stick with our Yeti for a few years it will save us swapping again? :yuck::yuck::yuck::arghh::arghh: Cars are expensive and motorists are ripped off at every opportunity.

We bought a new SatNav and also a dash cam when we collected the Yeti; Our previous car had a SatNav but dash cams were new to us; here;s a bit of night footage of when I collected our Bosch garden shredder; heading up towards Holme Moss summit with a huge drop to my left; the summit was shrouded in dense fog; I'll never forget that particular night. Not only does the dash cam record other people's driving it also records my driving full time so it's like having a police officer in the car with me; the reflection of the SatNav can be seen in the windscreen; driving and owning the Yeti is still a joy and Bron too loves it. The Dash cam is excellent; both the dash cam and SatNav are powered by a "splitter" plugged into the 12V socket.

What a palaver you went through Logan in having your Volvo serviced; the garage can't have made much profit either because they would have been paying the wage of the person collecting and returning the Volvo? We have a choice of Skoda main dealers within a few miles of us.

Good luck with your Viburnums alp and keep out of the kitchen? (y) Yes we're in for some frost and typical of my luck; I've just bought a windscreen cover only I can't use it tonight because the Yeti is soaking wet again thanks to Blackie who really is the bane of my life and won't let me alone. If I use the cover on a wet screen I'm sure it will freeze and weld itself into place? :(

Kind regards, Colin.


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Mar 20, 2017
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Colin: running a diesel car? I must admit the budget has whacked the diesel car drivers again. I must admit diesel fumes have been horrible and I was at the forefront of their attack. I feel so sorry for myself, diesel fumes, legal high fumes.. Last night was horrendous. The ebac sort of working as a purifier..

I am hoping for a house surrounded by trees.. A dream .. and will remain so..


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Mar 20, 2017
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I wish I had draft proofed my house! It's warmer simply because it is in Essex. I saw a housing project in Norfolk where a household only paid £3 for heating for winter! Whoa! I bet the electricity and gas suppliers will have another way to hit their pockets.

My water bill this half year was inexplicably high. I wonder if I could get a refund as they don't take the rain water out for me at all, it in my butts .. So unfair.


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Sep 17, 2017
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Physically I'm 70 but mentally I might be 5 Logan and yes this is why guys play with their toys; big boys toys are the equivalent to girls with their handbags and shoes. :D(y)

I think I'm a misfit and at odds with life in general alp? Yes Bron and I run a diesel car but on government recommendations; diesels were better than petrol for the environment and now there are so many diesel cars on the road diesel drivers are now being victimized by the government because diesels are now bad for us so now we are recommended to go electric which is fine but what is used to generate electricity and how polluting is it? As a kid 65 years ago coal was king with factory chimneys belching clouds of smoke out and most homes had coal fires; the air quality was poor with fog and smog but strange in those days we had short severe winters but long hot summers unlike now when we have much cleaner air leading to global warming and miserable wet weather the year round with little difference at all between the seasons? I don't trust the government; religion nor scientists. Yesterday I washed and dried our Skoda Yeti then immediately Blackie my personal black cloud gave the Yeti a good soaking; frost was forecast for last night; I have very recently bought a windscreen cover; 6pm yesterday I intended to fit the cover but thanks to Blackie having soaked the Yeti I returned indoors because the cover needs to be installed to a dry screen. At 9pm I quietly sneaked out in the cover of darkness; half filled a bucket with warm water then once again cleaned and dried the windscreen; front door glass and both mirrors; now I finally fitted the cover in readiness for an early start this morning?

At 6 o'clock this morning I looked out to see white cars across the street so fitting the cover was a good choice; at 7:15 when I went down to the Yeti I couldn't believe what I saw; all all the cars parked across the street were covered in frost but our Yeti was clear of frost and was soaking wet once again so even under the cover of darkness Blackie is ever present? The cover is now in the workshop drying; the cars across the street are still covered in frost; I must have been a downright villain in a previous life to have luck like I have.

A house surrounded by trees alp is your dream and a good dream to have? :) I hope you someday achieve your dream. Our bungalow has lots of mature trees; shrubs and bushes; we have nasty neighbours to one side who for the last 31 years have moaned; nagged and forever complained about our trees; firstly a big Scots pine was blocking their drains; I felled and removed the tree; it was a little brat stuffing items down their toilet causing the blockages; next it was one of our 80' tall specimen firs; a really beautiful tree it was dangerous being too near to their bungalow; we had a tree surgeon remove 40' from its top. Next our big elderberry was disgusting shedding its flowers and berries onto their path; I felled and removed it. Now the lovely fir having had its top removed was putting on wider growth; I felled this and at the same time felled another 80' tall conifer. Our hedges and other trees were now blocking light from their bedroom window and kitchen? I lowered the hedge by the their bedroom window and completely removed an 100' long x 8' tall conifer hedge; now the nasty neighbour was extremely annoyed saying "it's too open". The nasty wife then tried to dictate what kind of fence I erected and ended up accusing me of stealing land to the point I erected the new fence using the original post positions; she threatened me with legal action.

Then of course our mature 30' tall holly tree was offending these neighbours dropping berries onto their wheelie bins; I felled and removed this holly; I had to remove a section of our garden retaining wall to gain access to remove the stump; in anticipation whilst removing the holly I also removed the lower branches from our big oak after all we can't have acorns dropping onto their path; it's a long story but now this nasty neighbour came down to my workshop as I was cleaning my building tools and accused me of damaging her garden wall demanding I accompany her to have a look at it; I politely asked her to leave our property because she was now most unwelcome; she refused and was angry with me so politely I told her she was now trespassing and due to her anger I fled into the workshop closing the door behind me; now she was knocking on the door and shouting at me; she then shouted she was going up to our back door; I shot past her saying no you aren't because no way was I going to let this person near my lovely Bron. I quietly said I'm now involving the police.

The police officer was absolutely brilliant saying normally neighbour disputes are not police business but this is harrassment and it is police business and he the police officer would now go round and read these neighbours the riot act telling them in no uncertain terms if they did not heed his first warning and continued in this harassment of decent quiet neighbours he would have no alternative than to arrest them.

Now each time I worked erecting my new hut it was like thunder as items were aggressively thrown into their wheelie bins and the bin lids repeatedly slammed; I was wearing ear muffs so completely ignored this; a couple of weeks ago this neighbour was glaring at Bron from our new fence; I've now installed CCTV.

There is still an open police case against this neighbour (the wife) but I couldn't believe the downright cheek when her husband came up to me as I was erecting the new hut to ask me to be neighbourly and remove overhanging branches from our willow tree he pointing out it was my responsibility and would be done at my cost; my polite reply "NO I WON'T TOUCH THOSE BRANCHES: CHECK THE LAW AND LEAVE ME ALONE".

As I say alp these neighbours have been nasty all the time Bron and I have lived here so regarding your dream of being surrounded by trees would your dream be such a dream in reality? :(

I've rambled on enough and now it's time to get off my backside and do something useful; I've enjoyed a brew so I'm fit for anything the world is going to throw at me today.

Kind regards, Colin.


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Mar 20, 2017
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My neighbours are sophisticatedly gas lighting me! Not only are we suffocating here, but we have been bullied for years. Even the police took on their side .. Some policewomen giggled when they came to my house after visiting theirs as they couldn't believe they saw two handsome identical twins.. They probably fancied their chances. One shouted at me that the damages to the fences were done ages ago. Exactly the same wording by the matriarch .. Since when is it admissible to admit to damaging others' fence? Diabolical and claim moral high ground that it was done ages ago. No, the new holes were caused by the Kray brothers playing with her grandkids who are about year 9 and 5. Nasty people breed like rabbits..


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Mar 20, 2017
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Ah, isn't the photo beautiful?! WINTER IS happening in Scotland..


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Sep 17, 2017
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I'm sorry to learn you too are troubled with bad neighbours alp; what a shame our nasty neighbours can't move into your house and you move into their bungalow then you and I would be happier and the nasty ones deserve each other fighting it out. I'd much rather have you lean over our fence in friendship having a natter than our current neighbours leaning over the fence glaring at us and looking for nothing but trouble; some people are best totally ignored which is such a shame because Bron and I prefer to be friendly and help anyone. (y)

Kind regards, Colin.


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Mar 20, 2017
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We have golf balls over to my glass lean-to, copper pipes flew across over my garden to my other neighbour's garden. He pinched land left, right and centre. Now, I realise why the previous owner inserted metal pipes along the fence. I chucked the balls over and before long, 14 got chucked over. If I didn't go to answer the door, one kray literally broke a corner of my uPVC letter box to show his anger. They also chucked dog mess onto my trampoline. When they wanted their ball back, I said told one Kray that he shouldn't be playing with dog mess as it's not good model behaviour for his nephews. The Kray in front of my door went into a strop and threw his mineral water to the ground, saying he's not going to pick them up. The lesser and kinder Kray said he would pick them up. So he went and picked them up. Last week I had fresh air. This week, the alchemy has been on every day. I chocked and wretched after I opened the door to my house. I feel like living in a gas chamber. Police won't help, Environmental guy couldn't smell anything. Initially, two policewomen could smell it and said the air was very cutty. Then she attributed it to the stench from my other neighbour's nappies.. :cry::cry::cry:

I'm beyond angry. Need to see estate agent soon to see if I can find anything I can afford in the same borough.


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Sep 17, 2017
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Mar 20, 2017
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Yes, too liberal. I don't mean to cane kids, but kids should be given lessons on empathy.

Forgot to say I heard gunfires. My son heard gunfires twice and an old lady said she thought she heard gunfires. They have rifles for leisure .. They shot a dent in my Satellite dish and also shot at a pigeon flying in my other neighbour's garden.. A whole family of sociopaths.

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