Two days with two lots of bad news Logan; firstly Rodney Bewes and now sadly David Cassidy.

They say bad news comes in threes; I hope not.
How these famous people live though; from the very top to the very bottom and many becoming dependent on alcohol or drugs. At a concert a young girl got killed and 800 injured due to a crush and this badly affected Cassidy. (London White City Stadium May 1974). I've just been looking at Cassidy's profile and by the 1980' he stated he was broke; Cassidy was arrested and even spent time in jail due to being intoxicated committing motoring offences; one of the arresting officers was called Tom Jones which Cassidy joked about saying "What's new pussycat" whilst he was being arrested. In 2015 he filed for bankruptcy and sadly he was also suffering from dementia; he died aged 67.
Thanks alp; yes another new toy to play with but not for another 7 months because we seem to suffer 9 months winter and three months bad weather each year living here?

Today is normal being a wet; windy black hole so Gale and Blackie are present doing their thing as usual.
Kind regards, Colin.