And there was thunder a few minutes ago and torrential rain now. I do hope it will stop at 10am when the family is coming to view the house again. Now I am boiling coffee in an attempt to make the house smell nice. Yesterday, we went to a house with a bird inside and a fish tank and it's kind of smelt. Friend told me that until May next year, people in this borough are allowed to plonk a shed 3m x 20 foot??? in the garden without any planning permission sought.
I have my heart set on this house, but the owner is very ill. Love it as it is detached and sit on its own plot with space for my plants, but the front garden is only about 50 feet long and part is taken by the road next to it.
Got to hurry up and 10am is approaching. Sorry to have forgotten to post this. So much on my mind. Yes, sunny now. Thank heavens, not very nice to dash in and out in the rain.