Any team game.
Though tennis is the worst, It was at one time "taboo" to talk over the play, other than an occasional "Dan Maskell, Oh! I say!" (0lder Brits will know what I mean).
But it's been creeping in for years.
With TV coverage, there's a strap line at the bottom of the screen which show the score, there's also an umpire calling out every score. Why do we need commentators talking over them?
As a former team squash player, I mute the sound on squash coverage as the commentators talk over everything.
Anyway, back on topic. Rain was promised, so I didn't go to golf. But it strayed dry. So I got into the winter prune of the other four wisterias.
These are the hardest to do. There's one climbing up each of the pergola posts. My wife doen't like me using an extending ladder, so I use this multifunction one, she bought me twenty years ago. It's very heavy and there's six multi-position latches with which to contend. But it's very sturdy.
I reduced the number of "heads." I also gave the pergola a check-over. It's the best part of thirty years old now and still as solid as a rock. If I need to get on the flat roof of the lounge extension, it can easily take my weight, or a couple of people.
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The others were easier.
I call this one, but it's actually three. Blue at each end, white in the middle.
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This is supposed to be pink, but it's only just.
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A lot of mess to clear up afterwards.
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The last big job will be shaping the lolly-pop acer in the front garden. I'll take off six inches to a foot all the way round.
I've a new telescopic pruner I'll be using on this, as it's about 20ft high. I might do it at the week-end if it stays dry.
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