Nothing in the garden, apart from feeding birds and squirrels, but I did a little job in the house.
Over thirty years ago I made a shelf for the hall.
I made it at the same time as I made this bookcase on the other side of the hall.
Over time the shelf has got a bit scruffy, with stuff being put on it. Like infusers that might leak a bit.
So I cleared everything off it this afternoon and rubbed it down with a couple of grades of glasspaper, then repolished it.
They are both made from 9" hardwood bullnosed edge skirting boards.
Ideal at the time, as I don't remember the wood being that expensive. It was cheaper than buying a bookcase and I could make it the size we wanted.
But not any more. The length of wood for the shelf would cost about £100 now. I shudder to think how much the wood for the bookcase would be.
I'll give the shelf another coat of polish after Christmas.