Our weather forecasters are brilliant when it comes to forecasting rain but rubbish when they forecast sunny weather.
Just another normal wet day here it being the usual black hole. I daren't take a nap waiting for the weather to improve Silentrunning otherwise I doubt I'd ever wake up. I played around on the keyboard this morning but after dinner I was so fed up of this dire weather I put on my old clothes and have just come out of the workshop; I took a vintage wooden radio down to the workshop having blown it up months ago when I switched it on; as expected one of the capacitors had blown up this being a class X2 0.1uF 275V mains suppression cap so not a difficult repair at all: I have plenty of these capacitors to hand.
I've been storing Holly short logs for woodturning allowing these to dry slowly under the bungalow so I thought I'd rough a couple of these down on the Graduate woodturning lathe into blanks; I'll let these settle for a short while to release all the stresses then turn lidded boxes from them; it was nice to get into the workshop; I wonder if I'll ever get into the garden?
Kind regards, Colin.