@Verdun and all who may look in today

! Not sure if we did , mind you I'm not peeping out of windows at such ungodly hours
Is it that cold out
@alp, I haven't been outside yet. It certainly looks lovely and sunny out there, we get the full sunshine streaming in through our windows in the morning and it makes things feel warm.
Just re- read your post last that sounded like a good session yesterday, have you been to those classes before, cooking class sound interesting. We eat loads of salad ,even in winter we always have a big bowl of mixed salad to go with every main course.
Good time of year now for experimenting with salads........ apparently you can eat Ground Elder.!! , also well known is young Dandilion leaves.....and zillions of other commonly found garden plants/ weeds..........All round to your place then for a salad lunch
@Verdun did you go on your very envious of you having such wonderful surroundings right on your doorstep
Well for us down here the temperature is on its way up for the next 10 days at least. Dare I say it but....we may have rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrain during Thursday night

Have a wonderful Wednesday