@Upsy Daisy I'm not your charge. Pull another one!

Haven't done much today. Went to another town to learn cooking and we made some fish cake. After that, we had an exercise class. Lovely armchair exercise. All sat on the chair. No strain or stress. Looking at the size of the instructor, I am not optimistic that it will help me lose weight, but any stretching is better than just being a typing warrior!
The salad is so varied: watercress, celery, beetroot, carrots, spinach, tomatoes, onion and raddish. We were given the salad
Certainly raise my awareness of having all sorts of veg on a plate. Then we had an exercise class sitting on the chair. I really enjoyed it and both were free. We just turned up and we were giving a bag when we left. Marvellous. Apparently, salt is not included.
Gee, it's so cold even now. I planted up the shop bought petunias and strawberries. And that's the lot of my gardening.