Hello everybody,
Interesting evening yesterday. I was done my work for the day, mostly gutting my GH and moving it back a few feet so that I have more room for my, summer evenings space. I was sitting in front of the GH, the sun was almost down, 27C and a slight breeze, my radio was on and I was indulging in a couple glasses of apple ginger cider, and I thought I heard , "johnny, johnny". I turned down my music and followed my name, back behind my GH I could see the top of a lady's head and her hand and cigarette hanging over my fence. I was one of my customers from down the street. She needed my help, there was some critter scaring her over in her backyard. I went down the alley with her and found a very young squirrel in the middle of her carport.
It didn't run from me and so I picked it up and it curled up and started to close it's eyes. Well this lady figured she could get me to take it home. Not happening, I get too attached to animals and it breaks me when they die. So we put it in her yard, behind her shed. I got it too drink some water and it ate a bit of grass. I said see ya to the lady and went home. Ten minutes later she calls me on the phone. So in a few minutes I was holding the little critter while she drove us to the vets and they were happy to care for it and turn it over to wildlife rescue in the morning. We get back to our street and there is a fire truck and ambulance in front of my house, then my elderly neighbour is behind taken out of his house and rushed to the hospital. The Mrs. next door was rather upset about her husband going to the hospital, she is in her 80's uses a walker and is on oxygen. I called my sister, she's only a few minutes away. She went over and helped calm her down and get her ready for bed. I drank another apple ginger and went to bed.
Now I want just a quiet day today.