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That's a lovely tail. Trouble is when they interbreed, the tails get shorter and not so interesting. What you can do is separate the male and female, but in the same tank and "starve" them a bit and then let them live together. That way, you might have lots of babies. Guppies can take a lot of abuses. Hope you have lots of lovely babies.
It's like my messing about with pollination. Today, I took quite a lot of pollen from the yellow hibiscus and brushed it on the stigma of the red hibiscus. If my blue hibiscus has flowers, I will cross pollinate it with the yellow one.. And I will collect the seeds. Umm... I'm dreaming of some exotic hibiscus already!
It's like my messing about with pollination. Today, I took quite a lot of pollen from the yellow hibiscus and brushed it on the stigma of the red hibiscus. If my blue hibiscus has flowers, I will cross pollinate it with the yellow one.. And I will collect the seeds. Umm... I'm dreaming of some exotic hibiscus already!