No, my dad bought a stone one but I did notice that one corner was a little's done well though as mum passed away 11 yrs ago
Planted it up ( still a few more to add , in another months time) and it's looking good. Yes, I do use the water retaining beads and slow release plant food pellets.

Spent a lovely morning with my dad out in his garden, helped him with some gardening jobs that he can't tackle anymore ( he is 92), although he does have a gardener every couple of weeks.
Hubs sorted out his ( dad's) pond filtration tank and managed to adjust and get the correct flow on his two waterfalls.
Coffee break was taken sitting by his large pond listening to the relaxing sound of water and birdsong ( he has two ponds).
A lovely way for hubs to spend his first day of retirement
Home now so off to check out my babies (seedlings

Had a really fab weekend, thanks,with a group of friends that we have known for 40yrs. Some we see often but others live away and as a group we haven't all been together for almost 30 yrs!!
Cathy you later, have a great afternoon.