@alp, how are you - love your pics. Some of the NT houses are amazing. When I go on my laptop later I will post pics of some of the houses we have visited over the last year or two......if you are interested?
The trapped nerve problem only lasted a couple of days thankfully.....I have suffered with this since I was 15, still hate it when it returns.
The blood clot in my leg feels alot better too, although I can still feel it, seeing the consultation on Wednesday. Don't think they will do anything as the Anticoagulant medication seems to be working......I think!
No worries regarding my other problem ( the one I pm' ed you about)....phew!
My shoulder is still excruciatingly painful.... have to wait until August to get it sorted!
But glad to say I am feeling much better in myself now......must have just had a ' low ' time .
Thanks for asking