Good morning to a cool Essex. with the sun trying to break through.
@Upsy Daisy I had to google this posh Bellis Perennis...

I'm out of my depth.. So nice to hear that you're feeling happy.
Going to mow my lawns at 7.30 and it's going to be a busy morning. Some snaps from my own garden yesterday
One of the first cosmos sulphureus
Echinacea Pallida from last year.
A lovely yellow Tanz echinacea - now I have found there are orange ones as well. They are truly stunning
Double lilies - white and pink ones and the fragrance is just incredible ..
They are both inside my lean to. One is an Isabelle and the other??
Another big and bold double petunia
My spider flower
My latest additions to dahlia collection
Apologies to this dahlia as the photo can't do it justice. A distinctive orange...
And I love this one most - a subtle collarette .. Reminds me of an Indian girl ..
Enjoy your memory making moments ..