It has such a lot of details and great combo of colours.
Good morning to all before I watch
GW. Link is provided here. It's raining and already one empty butt is nearly half full.
Well, nothing thunderous about this bout of rain.
Washed about 100 plus pots. Tons of them and used the dirty water to water the plants.
The Echinaceas are still very slow
Cornus Kousa China girl
Something on bloom
This Delphinium I raised from seed
Achillea is pretty but it takes over the plot
Strangely enough, I have about 4 hellebores flowering.
Oh, crumbs! I can't watch GW! Looking at his border, I want more land, more, and more and yet more! Not for prickly roses though!
I have loads of these useless tubs with all the handles gone! I hope the manufacturers take note: Don't churn out rubbish like this.