The world is in such an awful predicament and it's getting worse. Sometimes I think how much better would it be if we with like minds could get together in the same place for a while for a proper chat. At the present time we make a point of not bothering to listen to or watch the mainstream news, although we do recognise that a certain elderly Irish chap who rose to great heights in the USA needs a lot more naps these days. As for the puppets in the UK government - we have all given up hope.
Those who think they're in charge are actually not anyway. They are puppets on strings, and dictated to by the globalist lot called the FEW (are you any good at anagrams)?
I certainly don't think that any of you are crackpots, and am sorry for my head/sand comment being in the wrong place, it is one of those short sentences I seem to use a lot these days, even when trying to reason with my kids, it just kind of slips out