Comeback of Ancient Farming Practice

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Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
There's a difference between natural selection and manipulation.

Lack of space is relative. In the old world it's a concern. Here in the states, the fallow field is still a thing. Slash and burn never made sense to me, there's more effective ways to clear land.
It is not just clearing the land, it applies a layer of nutrient rich ash as well. That's why you have to wait for it to regrow so you can repeat.
Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
I think slash and burn is for where there is stuff like small trees growing and root removal would be a real lot of labour.
Apr 4, 2020
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Northeast Ohio
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United States
I'd have agreed with you until recently. However, if you look at the actual data you see that these viruses were in decline well before the vaccine's came along.

In my mind at least, the question still hanging in the air is whether the 'tried and tested' vaccines do more harm than good.

Deaths from these diseases has been tracked for decades so we have hard data. Measles for example - by the 50's deaths in the UK had been reduced to 10's in a year through nutrition and sanitation. Contrary to what we're told - it doesn't seem to be vaccines that prevented measles deaths. Check out the governments published data for yourself!!
Yes, there's potential side effects for any medication. Do the benefits outweigh the risks. For most of the legacy vaccines yes.
What isn't tracked is correlation between other health problems and vaccination. We know for example that Autism and allergies are on the rise - significantly so. Has any research been done to establish whether these conditions are more common in the vaccinated? Given that almost all kids in the UK are vaccinated it would be hard to tell as there's no control group.

And a valid point. But, the legacy vaccines should have shown a correlation to these symptoms long ago. I have a hunch there's another factor in play, more social contagion than actual medical contagion.
I had blind faith and didn't challenge these things until the utter fiasco of the 'covid pandemic'. Now I like to see the hard data for myself - and I have to say, I'm not convinced by the value of established vaccines. Or things like Cancer screening for which there is ample evidence of harms yet not a single study showing that cancer screening has saved a single life.

On balance, in light of their behaviour during the 'pandemic' I would rather take my chances with nature than the NHS. I'd use them for something like a broken bone. But honestly (looking back on what's happened with my own family members) I don't think health care is all it's been cracked up to be.
And I whole heartedly agree here. The entirety of the medical profession has been stained by the lack of discussions and outright silencing of different points of view. Dr Malone has been trying to speak out about the mrna issues for several years but was silenced by the media. He should have been one of the primary sources for media seeing as he was involved in it's development.
Jun 29, 2022
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom

Yes, there's potential side effects for any medication. Do the benefits outweigh the risks. For most of the legacy vaccines yes.

And a valid point. But, the legacy vaccines should have shown a correlation to these symptoms long ago. I have a hunch there's another factor in play, more social contagion than actual medical contagion.

And I whole heartedly agree here. The entirety of the medical profession has been stained by the lack of discussions and outright silencing of different points of view. Dr Malone has been trying to speak out about the mrna issues for several years but was silenced by the media. He should have been one of the primary sources for media seeing as he was involved in it's development.
Its OK - I too use capitals for emphasis! LOL

But I disagree. Take measles for example - adults have always had immunity because it generally only affects very young babies and toddlers. Adults have immunity through prior infection.

Look at the measles data (google 'measles deaths by year uk' for the gov data)

1943 - 376,104 notified cases and 773 deaths (0.2% case mortality)

1953 - 545,050 notified cases and 242 deaths (0.04% case mortality)

1963 - 601,255 notified cases and 127 deaths - (0.02% case mortality)

1973 - 152,378 notified cases and 33 deaths - (0.02% case mortality)

1983 - 103,700 notified cases and 16 deaths - (0.015% case mortality)

1993 - 9,612 notified cases and 4 deaths - (0.01% case mortality)

2003 - 2,488 notified cases and 0 deaths - (0% case mortality)

2013 - 6,1,93 notified cases and 1 death - ( 0.015% case mortality)

The vaccines clearly work to stop the spread. It's only the unvaccinated that catch measles. Among those that do catch it, case mortality rate has dropped from 0.2% to 0.01% (through better sanitation, nutrition and health care).

I was born in 1963 (pre vaccine rollout). In that year there were 127 deaths (with a 0.02% case mortality rate). That would be halved through better health care that results in the current day 0.01% case mortality rate.

So, without vaccines we could expect perhaps 65 deaths in a bad measles year. Probably less as without vaccines more research would have been done into treating measles.

If you speak to younger people they are under the impression that measles was a terrifying illness that killed millions. That's obviously a complete lie - or rather - it kills millions in the third world when it spreads through hoards of kids already dying from starvation! In countries like the UK it kills the weak - as with covid, it generally kills people that were already vulnerable to whatever is doing the rounds.

Now you may well argue it's worth the billions paid for the rollout of these vaccines - every life matters after all. However, if the vaccine is doing significant harm to large numbers of previously healthy kids then parents should know this. But they can't know because the studies to establish safety have never been done. I couldn't find data on measles vaccine deaths and harms. But we know they exist.

Think how much money is made out of these vaccine rollouts. Drug companies, health trusts etc. Ask yourself how many lives might be saved if it was directed elsewhere.

I am not making any claims about the vaccines being harmful. What I'm saying is people HAVE been coerced into taking them as measles wasn't the big killer that authorities claim. I had it. I lived through pre-vaccine years and people just weren't afraid of it. I don't know of a single person that was harmed by it. Governments own data backs me up.

The studies haven't been carried out to establish whether they are safe. We know that kids nowadays have health problems that we never had. Vaccines haven't been ruled out as the cause. The doctor that raised a flag re MMR vaccines and autism was discredited. But so too were the doctors telling what we now know to be the TRUTH about the covid vaccines, so...

I would never have doubted 'the experts' prior to the covid fiasco, but now we've seen how they operate. We KNOW that they'll knowingly lie and coerce to get people to take vaccines that are known to do little to no good and in some cases considerable harm. God only knows WHY - but we know they did that with covid.

So why would we trust them over anything else? Trust is gone. That's the problem. We won't trust them - even when we should, because once trust is lost it never comes back.

Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
Death is only one aspect of measles damage, think pneumonia, brain damage, central nervous system damage and blindness. There may not have been lots of children dying of it, but lots of children don't die, so it was one of the major causes of child death. Well worth vaccinating, children are precious.
Jun 29, 2022
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Death is only one aspect of measles damage, think pneumonia, brain damage, central nervous system damage and blindness. There may not have been lots of children dying of it, but lots of children don't die, so it was one of the major causes of child death. Well worth vaccinating, children are precious.
Yes, I agree that there were permanent and long lasting side effects from measles. However, as with the case mortality rate, side effects reduce drastically with improved treatment and health/nutrition.

Do you have figures for the number of cases of serious side effects from measles each year?
Do you have figures for the number of cases of serious side effects and deaths from vaccination?

Until you have these figures you cannot make an informed decision. You cannot give informed consent.

The point I am making is people haven't given informed consent - quite simply because authorities have lied through their teeth about the dangers. The main driver for getting people to vaccinate their kids was LIES about the number of deaths. In addition, I have never seen warnings (with numbers of cases) of the number of deaths and serious harms from the vaccines themselves.

Yes, children are precious. Which is why it's NOT acceptable to lie to parents and give healthy kids vaccines that could harm or kill. It is NOT acceptable to put a healthy child at risk in order to protect a weak and sickly child. Yet that's what they're knowingly doing it seems.
Apr 4, 2020
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Northeast Ohio
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United States
Susan, I agree with you about this. There's a risk with any medication. And Oliver is correct as well, death isn't the only concern.

Covid vaccine is a completely different case. It's not even a vaccine, one notes that the definition of vaccine was changed to be able to include it.

Oh yes, people were lying. The folks telling the truth were silenced.
Jun 29, 2022
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Susan, I agree with you about this. There's a risk with any medication. And Oliver is correct as well, death isn't the only concern.

Covid vaccine is a completely different case. It's not even a vaccine, one notes that the definition of vaccine was changed to be able to include it.

Oh yes, people were lying. The folks telling the truth were silenced.
This vaccine discussion may seem off-topic for some, but for me it's highly relevant. Until the pandemic I was very trusting of experts and pro-establishment. I'm not quite sure why, but from the get go I was dead against being vaccinated for covid. I had no need to go out and mix with people so I felt happier distancing myself from people rather than risk a new, rushed, not fully tested vaccine. I was extremely careful and made absolutely certain there was no risk of me putting anyone at risk.

I was shocked (and terrified) by the threats and abuse from the establishment I once trusted. The words they used to describe people like me (unvaccinated) chilled me to the bone. We were threatened with not being able to work, not allowed to go out, no pubs, cinema etc, no medical care. When it was clear how easily the government could take everything away from me and turn people against me (to point where they wanted me dead) I realized it was time to step away from society.

We retired early and focussed everything on our house and garden. We're building a self-sufficient oasis. We don't go out anymore - just shopping and dog walks. We don't work - our full time job is now to build our little world and sever all reliance on government/society.

We have become recluses and we've never been so happy!!

As long as we have our house and garden we'll be fine. The only way we leave this house is in a box!!!
Apr 4, 2020
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Northeast Ohio
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United States
I've been skeptical of authority for a long time but usually wrote things off to incompetence. Not so much anymore.

As for lockdowns and such, Ohio wasn't the worst place to be. I had an advantage as an essential employee too.
Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
Talk about hitting the nail on the head @Susan BBPM . I so wish I had not taken this poison. I was as fit as a fiddle beforehand. Things are now progressing at an alarming rate, and the world is changing very very quickly. We have also hunkered down and are preparing the best we can. I cannot believe that so many folk still cannot see what is happening. I would like to see our farming community retaliate in the same way they did in Holland. At least they might be able to step back into doing things in the old fashioned way. We now have brand new labels - we are prepping conspiracy theorists ;)
Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
Comeback please, ancient farming practice! Have a peep at this latest piece of news......
Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
I have a nineteen twenties gardening book, written by two very qualified ladies, I find it useful for some things, but there is a bit in the into. about 'Such useful and well tested remedies as arsenic and white lead.' Not all ancient practices were good.
Jun 29, 2022
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United Kingdom
My house backs onto a farm. We're in the West of Scotland.

It's been in the same family for decades. It used to be a dairy farm, but they switched to beef farming about 6 years ago. As far as I can tell their processes seem traditional. The cows graze the fields; they grow hay for winter. There are always some cows kept in barns for calving. Also, they have half a dozen horses. So there's always loads of manure. That's regularly spread on the fields.

I've never seen them spray anything. As we have a view over most of their fields it's not something we'd miss. Last year I asked the famer if he was impacted by all that was going on and he looked at me a bit blankly. So I'm not sure if it was just him not wanting to talk about it, or maybe he truly hadn't noticed. They're a little older than me - two brothers in their 60's and their sister who has the horses. They all have children but I don't think the kids are interested in farming. Yet they invest a lot of time, money and effort on building their herd.

Oliver, I agree that not all ancient practices were good. But I think the key thing is that nowadays the rollout is so widespread and far reaching that the damage is irreversible. The main problem of modern practices is centralized control, scale and the problems of 'all eggs in one basket).

Things like genetic modification or hormonal weedkillers can spread unchecked 'infecting' everything. God only knows what they're putting the food chain.


No N-P-K Required
Feb 5, 2019
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East Texas
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old zone 8b/new zone 9a
United States
The above could also describe many millions of such farms in the USA including my own.

For me, it's a way of life I seek as opposed to farm income. Working in big American aerospace (Government and Industries) was a means to achieve that way of life for me. Employing ancient farming and gardening practices is my way of honoring it.

I don't know how many others have the same sentiments but I believe it is a powerful number here in the lands between the Coasts of the USA. Most of are very peaceful desiring to spend our days on what we love doing rather than on activist causes.

Most recognize the fragility of our existence.
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