Yes, there's potential side effects for any medication. Do the benefits outweigh the risks. For most of the legacy vaccines yes.
And a valid point. But, the legacy vaccines should have shown a correlation to these symptoms long ago. I have a hunch there's another factor in play, more social contagion than actual medical contagion.
And I whole heartedly agree here. The entirety of the medical profession has been stained by the lack of discussions and outright silencing of different points of view. Dr Malone has been trying to speak out about the mrna issues for several years but was silenced by the media. He should have been one of the primary sources for media seeing as he was involved in it's development.
Its OK - I too use capitals for emphasis! LOL
But I disagree. Take measles for example - adults have always had immunity because it generally only affects very young babies and toddlers. Adults have immunity through prior infection.
Look at the measles data (google 'measles deaths by year uk' for the gov data)
1943 - 376,104 notified cases and 773 deaths (0.2% case mortality)
1953 - 545,050 notified cases and 242 deaths (0.04% case mortality)
1963 - 601,255 notified cases and 127 deaths - (0.02% case mortality)
1973 - 152,378 notified cases and 33 deaths - (0.02% case mortality)
1983 - 103,700 notified cases and 16 deaths - (0.015% case mortality)
1993 - 9,612 notified cases and 4 deaths - (0.01% case mortality)
2003 - 2,488 notified cases and 0 deaths - (0% case mortality)
2013 - 6,1,93 notified cases and 1 death - ( 0.015% case mortality)
The vaccines clearly work to stop the spread. It's only the unvaccinated that catch measles. Among those that do catch it, case mortality rate has dropped from 0.2% to 0.01% (through better sanitation, nutrition and health care).
I was born in 1963 (pre vaccine rollout). In that year there were 127 deaths (with a 0.02% case mortality rate). That would be halved through better health care that results in the current day 0.01% case mortality rate.
So, without vaccines we could expect perhaps 65 deaths in a bad measles year. Probably less as without vaccines more research would have been done into treating measles.
If you speak to younger people they are under the impression that measles was a terrifying illness that killed millions. That's obviously a complete lie - or rather - it kills millions in the third world when it spreads through hoards of kids already dying from starvation! In countries like the UK it kills the weak - as with covid, it generally kills people that were already vulnerable to whatever is doing the rounds.
Now you may well argue it's worth the billions paid for the rollout of these vaccines - every life matters after all. However, if the vaccine is doing significant harm to large numbers of previously healthy kids then parents should know this. But they can't know because the studies to establish safety have never been done. I couldn't find data on measles vaccine deaths and harms. But we know they exist.
Think how much money is made out of these vaccine rollouts. Drug companies, health trusts etc. Ask yourself how many lives might be saved if it was directed elsewhere.
I am not making any claims about the vaccines being harmful. What I'm saying is people HAVE been coerced into taking them as measles wasn't the big killer that authorities claim. I had it. I lived through pre-vaccine years and people just weren't afraid of it. I don't know of a single person that was harmed by it. Governments own data backs me up.
The studies haven't been carried out to establish whether they are safe. We know that kids nowadays have health problems that we never had. Vaccines haven't been ruled out as the cause. The doctor that raised a flag re MMR vaccines and autism was discredited. But so too were the doctors telling what we now know to be the TRUTH about the covid vaccines, so...
I would never have doubted 'the experts' prior to the covid fiasco, but now we've seen how they operate. We KNOW that they'll knowingly lie and coerce to get people to take vaccines that are known to do little to no good and in some cases considerable harm. God only knows WHY - but we know they did that with covid.
So why would we trust them over anything else? Trust is gone. That's the problem. We won't trust them - even when we should, because once trust is lost it never comes back.