Comeback of Ancient Farming Practice

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big rockpile

Full Access Member
May 17, 2023
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Lebanon, Missouri
United States
Seen many changes in farming.

I've seen Dairy Farms go to Beef. Seen Dozers take out hundreds of acres of trees on shallow soil and reseeded in Fescue. Seen farms we used to pick rock off of for grain crops go to grass. Then no till planting.

Has anyone said anything about Earth shifting on its axis or maybe plate getting thinner in the Pacific?

The Lord is in control and yes things will change.

big rockpile

big rockpile

Full Access Member
May 17, 2023
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Lebanon, Missouri
United States
Ugh. You're not alone. But years ago I figured out that my betters were just repeating whatever they were told. No independent thought on their part. The type that would believe me if (as a professional mechanic) I told them their Flux capacitor had failed.

Is it a plan? Or is it incompetence? Looking at president ice cream, incompetence is a huge part. There may be a plan but I'm out of tinfoil right now.

As for what to do about it? Yes a revolution is possible. It will be ugly, it will have poor leadership for awhile. But a vigilant citizenry can overcome that. This chunk of dirt colony proved that. Yes, we're having some difficulty now, and things are likely to get ugly considering the split in the population. But, we did survive, and thrive after a civil war.
Old guy and don't like stuff but was told I'm too old let the young folks handle it.

Few years ago went to a July 4 party.

A guy hit my Son had 4 holding me back because in my mind that guys back side was mine.

big rockpile


Full Access Member
Mar 26, 2013
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Port William
United Kingdom
If you wish to oppress the people, first disarm them.

The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, which states that Citizens shall have the right to bear arms, was not about hunting, or defending oneself from intruders; it was to allow the citizenry to overthrow the Govt. if it became aggressive.

That is why arms like assault rifles are permitted, and precisely why they should be.

Those who most want to ban guns tend to be those least tolerant of dissenting views, yet the best protected with ARMED security.

If you do ban guns, only the good, law-abiding people comply.

In the UK we have banned all but specifically hunting guns, yet gangster children roam our streets with handguns.


Full Access Member
Mar 26, 2013
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Port William
United Kingdom
Old guy and don't like stuff but was told I'm too old let the young folks handle it.

Few years ago went to a July 4 party.

A guy hit my Son had 4 holding me back because in my mind that guys back side was mine.

big rockpile
I'm with you; sometimes violence is the answer.


Cactus Grower, Kent.
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Oct 10, 2012
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Now while I knew about "The Little Ice Age" as it was called (14th to 19th Centuries) I didn't know about the climate crisis of 1896 :eek:

Found this very interesting, it's not an opinion, it's just history...


Susan BBPM

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Jun 29, 2022
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United Kingdom
If you wish to oppress the people, first disarm them.

The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, which states that Citizens shall have the right to bear arms, was not about hunting, or defending oneself from intruders; it was to allow the citizenry to overthrow the Govt. if it became aggressive.

That is why arms like assault rifles are permitted, and precisely why they should be.

Those who most want to ban guns tend to be those least tolerant of dissenting views, yet the best protected with ARMED security.

If you do ban guns, only the good, law-abiding people comply.

In the UK we have banned all but specifically hunting guns, yet gangster children roam our streets with handguns.
We have illegal immigrants - complete unknowns - entering our country without any checks whatsoever. We know there are terrorist groups that mean us harm, and they would need to be bloody stupid not to take advantage of our non-existent security. What a gift - your enemy takes care of logistics for you and foots the bill!!!

They are being distributed all over the country - small towns and villages with no police within miles. Certainly no specialist terrorist police for in some cases hundreds of miles.

It's a gift to groups like ISIS. If they get 'sleepers' distributed all over our country (by the government and at tax payer's expense) all they need to do is give them all a signal to rise up at once and go on killing sprees. What on earth could we do to protect ourselves. In fact, most would be scared to defend themselves for fear of being called 'racist'.

Honestly, I can't believe our governments are this thick. They have an agenda. This has to be planned. The question is - what is their agenda?

At least Americans are able to defend themselves.

Susan BBPM

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Jun 29, 2022
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The year I was born the whole of Devon was snowed in until March IIRC. Mum was heavily pregnant with me and they were trying to make their way to my gran's in Devon. Snow drifts were several feet high for months on end.

Can you imagine the hysteria if this happened now? I also lived though a pandemic in my first few years - I wasn't even aware. Mum never mentioned it.

Either they are stark raving bonkers (our 'leaders') of this is about fear and control. Either way - where are the checks and balances? What's supposed to be in place to stop raving lunatics from killing us all? Normal. law abiding people should never be afraid of their government and institutions.

"The winter of 1962-1963, known as the Big Freeze of 1963, was one of the coldest winters (defined as the months of December, January and February) on record in the United Kingdom. Temperatures plummeted and lakes and rivers began to freeze over. In the Central England Temperature (CET) record extending back to 1659, only the winters of 1683-1684 and 1739-1740 were colder than 1962-1963."


Full Access Member
Apr 4, 2020
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Fear and control is exactly it. The last several generations have been raised to fear everything. Not necessarily by government or terrorists, but by their own parents.

Parents who were/are too protective of the children. Growing up, football or dodgeball in the street wasn't uncommon. The admonition to watch for cars was about it.

Now it's no playing outside, you might get kidnapped or worse sunburned!

This is especially common in urban America though it likely exists in all of western society.

This may sound sexist but think about it, the wussification of kids started the same time as the empowerment of women. The I don't need a man mentality lead to lots of discipline problems. More specifically lack of discipline. Women generally don't have it in their nature to come down hard on kids, even when necessary.

Women may not need a man but kids need both parents.

And a similar thing has been happening in the American welfare system. It incentivises having multiple children and punishes a 2 parent household.

big rockpile

Full Access Member
May 17, 2023
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Lebanon, Missouri
United States
I was brought up with bad guidance but went to work at a regular Job and worked hard all my life.

Actually I was proud of the fact of being a Man. I could out work, out drink, out fight and out Love anyone.

Now I'm looking at guys and thinking WHAT!

big rockpile

big rockpile

Full Access Member
May 17, 2023
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Lebanon, Missouri
United States
I was working with a kid and his Dad.

The kid was being a A I told him if I was his Dad I would bust his Back Side.

His Dad you can not do that. Kid says anyone lays a hand on me I'm calling Family Services.

I said fine Government wants to tell how to correct my child they will have him.

One time he was at my house I told him he wasn't welcome. He says it is snowing. I don't care you are not welcome in my house.

Last I heard the Government was taking care of him.

big rockpile

Susan BBPM

Full Access Member
Jun 29, 2022
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United Kingdom
Fear and control is exactly it. The last several generations have been raised to fear everything. Not necessarily by government or terrorists, but by their own parents.

Parents who were/are too protective of the children. Growing up, football or dodgeball in the street wasn't uncommon. The admonition to watch for cars was about it.

Now it's no playing outside, you might get kidnapped or worse sunburned!

This is especially common in urban America though it likely exists in all of western society.

This may sound sexist but think about it, the wussification of kids started the same time as the empowerment of women. The I don't need a man mentality lead to lots of discipline problems. More specifically lack of discipline. Women generally don't have it in their nature to come down hard on kids, even when necessary.

Women may not need a man but kids need both parents.

And a similar thing has been happening in the American welfare system. It incentivises having multiple children and punishes a 2 parent household.
I'm the first to go on an angry rant if someone says that 'women can't do x'. I say judge people on their abilities and achievements - not on what 'groups' they happen to belong to. There are lots of women that are very good at things that are considered a 'man's domain' - they can make it DESPITE everything being stacked against them. They shouldn't be held back.

But gender stereotypes do tend to hold true. I'm the first to admit that most of us (women) are emotional basket cases!!! If you have quotas (as we now do) you will be putting an awful lot of totally unstable, bitchy, hysterical nut jobs in important roles in society. 20 year into the job menopause will kick in and then you're really in trouble. In fact - the insanity we are witnessing now across the West from all institutions from government to healthcare to policing.......that could well be the result of giving jobs to women that don't have what it takes.

big rockpile

Full Access Member
May 17, 2023
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Lebanon, Missouri
United States
Have a woman next door I don't know I have seen worse but she is up there with them.

One time I was burning off our place. She called the Fire Department.
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