Comeback of Ancient Farming Practice

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Jan 5, 2017
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Atlantic Beach, Fl
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This is a funny thing, the Global Warming hysteria we're seeing. What's funny, is that there have been a lot of promises made by industry and governments on converting to an all-electric infrastructure. This is all so we won't have our current standards of living affected in the least.

What I find funny (interesting), what happens when the public realized that we can NOT convert to all-electric. The amount of mining required for this conversion needs to be increased multiple times over. And not just for one material, there are many needed to support all-electric infrastructure.

Lithium gets a lot of attention, it's one of the materials need, but it's estimated that we will need 400 more mines by 2035 to meet the expected EV battery demand. And that's not counting all the other applications that require lithium.

But then there are many other materials, including Rare Earth elements, but also other "normal" materials, such as copper, which the mining of will need to increase by 250% just for the charging stations, then you have the cars themselves and all the windfarms that require copper...list goes on

Even sand is becoming harder to come by, which is required for all the concrete to support all these structures. The Chinese used more concrete in three years than the US used during the entire 20th century...what do they have to show for it? A large number of ghost cities of concrete.

On top of all this, it's very difficult to open mines in Europe and the US due to strict environmental laws. This is a big part of why China leads the world in producing much of the materials needed to convert to all-electric. Of course there's talk of becoming less dependent on China, not just for the mining, but the very dirty task of getting these materials from the mined rock.

Politicians can talk all they want, but this Green Revolution is not going to happen in the given time frame (the time frame is key).

Two interesting video from a geopolitical analyst. However, there are some other interesting info out there from people that do the math on just how much we must increase our production of these necessary materials, which there are a lot of.

We're being stupid as of now with how we deploy the green technology

We've never doubled the production of any material in history, yet we need to increase production by many times for many different materials.


Susan BBPM

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Jun 29, 2022
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United Kingdom
This is a funny thing, the Global Warming hysteria we're seeing. What's funny, is that there have been a lot of promises made by industry and governments on converting to an all-electric infrastructure. This is all so we won't have our current standards of living affected in the least.

What I find funny (interesting), what happens when the public realized that we can NOT convert to all-electric. The amount of mining required for this conversion needs to be increased multiple times over. And not just for one material, there are many needed to support all-electric infrastructure.

Lithium gets a lot of attention, it's one of the materials need, but it's estimated that we will need 400 more mines by 2035 to meet the expected EV battery demand. And that's not counting all the other applications that require lithium.

But then there are many other materials, including Rare Earth elements, but also other "normal" materials, such as copper, which the mining of will need to increase by 250% just for the charging stations, then you have the cars themselves and all the windfarms that require copper...list goes on

Even sand is becoming harder to come by, which is required for all the concrete to support all these structures. The Chinese used more concrete in three years than the US used during the entire 20th century...what do they have to show for it? A large number of ghost cities of concrete.

On top of all this, it's very difficult to open mines in Europe and the US due to strict environmental laws. This is a big part of why China leads the world in producing much of the materials needed to convert to all-electric. Of course there's talk of becoming less dependent on China, not just for the mining, but the very dirty task of getting these materials from the mined rock.

Politicians can talk all they want, but this Green Revolution is not going to happen in the given time frame (the time frame is key).

Two interesting video from a geopolitical analyst. However, there are some other interesting info out there from people that do the math on just how much we must increase our production of these necessary materials, which there are a lot of.

We're being stupid as of now with how we deploy the green technology

We've never doubled the production of any material in history, yet we need to increase production by many times for many different materials.

I agree completely. It makes no sense. We know that, so you can bet your bottom dollar that they know it too.

In a globalist world you and I are as important to the 'powers that be' as the millions of babies, children, mums, dads etc starving to death on an annual basis or being slaughtered in third world wars (started by globalist leaders). In the days of nation states the plebs mattered as they were both workforce and army. But those days are gone - better workers and fighters can be recruited abroad. Common sense dictates that globalist leaders will do to us what they've been doing to people in the third world for ever.

Infrastructure and investment is being put in place to ensure a future of mod cons and luxury - but logic dictates that it's not for all of us. It's just for the chosen few.

Which begs the question - what's the plan for the rest of us? Our last job will probably be to build the infrastructure needed for the AI and robots that will replace us!!

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Global warming---bunk. I have been watching a certain date every year since 1979. Every year on that day, the sky is the same color, the amount of clouds the same puffy white, same "no rain". same temp, same gentle breeze. Nothing different. This global warming ---bunk---just another ploy to control the masses.


Cactus Grower, Kent.
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Oct 10, 2012
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I'll need to pick your brains later!!

We have battery operated solar fairy lights. The little fine wires with dots of light all over them. We have them scrunched up in glass vases all over the house. They can be programmed to come on for 6 hours starting any time you choose. We got ours for about £1 each out of poundstretchers 3 years back and they're still going strong. We use rechargable batteries (which we always have enough solar to charge). The batteries need charging once a week.

The result is - as soon as it gets dark these little light vases switch on all over the house. It's light enough not to need to switch lights on other than to read.

You're welcome to pick what's left :D

We have the fairy lights outside too, I took a pic of them with another pic of the magnetic light for comparison, you can read by the mag light.

DSC04258.JPG DSC04259.JPG

This is a similar one to ours...,aps,214&sr=8-33&th=1

With a few of those you could happily light a place up.

Another thing I wish I'd had back then was a power pack, you can charge them up from solar and then they'll charge a phone (or similar) several times.

We also have a 12 volt lead coming in with 3 car charger sockets and a strip light for power cuts.

DSC00788 a.JPG

Oliver Buckle

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Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
Global warming---bunk. I have been watching a certain date every year since 1979. Every year on that day, the sky is the same color, the amount of clouds the same puffy white, same "no rain". same temp, same gentle breeze. Nothing different. This global warming ---bunk---just another ploy to control the masses.
I think the key word here is 'Global'. Average temperatures across the globe are higher, glaciers are melting, ocean temperatures have gone up, but not everywhere is the same. Some places the effect is not noticeable, others may even be cooler depending on re-positioning of air and water streams, but I think it is agreed that, for whatever reason, it is getting warmer Globally.

Concrete production is a huge producer of CO2, using large amounts of energy to take CO2 out of limestone rocks. It is what is done with it that is awful though. Giving everyone in Africa a solid concrete floor would improve health and day to day living immensely for hundreds of thousands, Building towering office blocks increases the prestige of a wealthy few.

Susan BBPM

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Jun 29, 2022
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I think the key word here is 'Global'. Average temperatures across the globe are higher, glaciers are melting, ocean temperatures have gone up, but not everywhere is the same. Some places the effect is not noticeable, others may even be cooler depending on re-positioning of air and water streams, but I think it is agreed that, for whatever reason, it is getting warmer Globally.

Concrete production is a huge producer of CO2, using large amounts of energy to take CO2 out of limestone rocks. It is what is done with it that is awful though. Giving everyone in Africa a solid concrete floor would improve health and day to day living immensely for hundreds of thousands, Building towering office blocks increases the prestige of a wealthy few.
There is no question - a small percentage of the world (the West) have got to where they (we) are today by burning through millions of years worth of stored energy from the sun (gas, coal, coil) in a few short decades. We've also consumed most of the easy to obtain resources and destroyed most of the rest!! The terrible thing is - most of this has been used wastefully. Not even in building towering office blocks for the prestige of a wealthy few, but so that the common man in the West can have a load of tat that they neither want nor need. Tat that goes to landfill or ends up in the oceans. Tat that we're convinced we need due to clever marketing and brainwashing.

The reality is, we've spent the past few decades producing things that no one wants or need simply because the economic model that we've chosen requires constant expansion - which means we need to keep consuming more and more simply to keep the economy growing. We're not choosing office blocks over necessities for people in the third world - we're choosing landfill!

It's impossible to know if we're causing or accelerating global warming. It's possible our actions are, by stroke of luck, doing good. But you can't dispute the fact that our way of life IS destroying the planet and making it uninhabitable and incapable of sustaining the life of many species....possibly our own in time.

If you look at historical temps, the South East of the UK is heating up significantly. Change where I live in West Central Scotland is negligeable. Flooding has increased in the UK, but I would have thought farming practices and building is more to blame than anything else?
But our governments aren't reacting to global warming. All they care about is keeping the precious economy growing. They claim that their more outrageous actions are to combat global warming because it's hard for people to argue with (just as we can't argue with demands made of us at times of war). But if you analyse their actions it's clear that they're not being honest. Consider the recent 'pandemic'. Even when they were aware it wasn't a deadly disease they happily claimed otherwise, producing huge amounts of plastic (made from oil) protective equipment, syringes etc. Why? Presumably because it helped keep the economy growing.

But what happens when the world economy stops growing? It's just 'book keeping'. The world should keep turning when our monetary system collapses. But in practice it probably will result in Armageddon - without a system of establishing who owns what society will collapse. Without wages why would anyone work? If people don't work there is no energy, water, food etc.

So what we're being told is partially true. The trajectory we are on WILL hit a brick wall as we run out of resources and trash the planet with waste products. But the immediate crisis is (I think) the fact that the collapse of the world economy is imminent.

Oliver Buckle

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Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
Even when they were aware it wasn't a deadly disease
How many have died of it depends how you asses the number of deaths, by people who died within a certain time of testing positive, by numbers with it on the death certificate, etc. but around 200,000 people in the UK. Most were in the first couple of years, we have got much better at treating it, and it would seem that vaccination has made a big difference, not so much to catching it , but dying from it. If you asses it by excess deaths it is much higher. I have no trust in the government, but I reckon death certificates issued by individual doctors will be fairly accurate, and I don't think the office of national statistics is corrupt. There are still around 600 deaths a week from it, enough to make road traffic accidents look fairly minor, we have a whole raft of rules and regulations to protect us from them hmmm.

Anyway, enough to say it is certainly deadly to many, and as it happens I am in just about the highest risk group. One of the remaining immuno=suppressed coming up for 80 years old, so I kind of object to it being underplayed. I wear a proper mask when I am out, not often, and I get my seventh dose of vaccine on Monday.


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Apr 4, 2020
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3 years into this pandemic and the only symptoms I've ever had were sniffles and itchy eyes. Which coincidentally occurred during allergy season. As they always have.

As for how many actually died of covid, we'll never know. The numbers are so screwed up by not being specific about cause of death, ie died WITH vs died FROM. When people who fall off ladders or crashed a motorcycle are called covid deaths, you know things are a lie.

How many of the early deaths were actually from treatable causes like flu or pneumonia that were misdiagnosed as the vid? How many people died because they weren't treated for the illness they actually had?

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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Recently read that the Columbia River --that flows through the Grand Canyon is at very low level, close to a drought condition. The Columbia River gets fed by the Glazers up North melting which sends their water down to the river. Guess those Glazers did not get a notice that we have Global Warming .

We will never know how many died from the "covid virus" as many hospitals and doctors got on the band wagon of Making Money by giving out that diagnosis to anyone dying. As for husband and I we never had any type of symptoms, still do not. And we are around crowds quite often at car shows, large crowds, talking to lots of folks, and not wearing masks.
Just another control the masses.
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Full Access Member
Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
As one who is vaccine damaged, I have made a personal effort to research this subject. There is plainly much more to know about this, and the truth is now beginning to come out, both here and in the USA and Australasia. Rather than explain this truth, and mention from whence it begins, I would urge others to actually do their own research. Look for the findings of well qualified medical people who are now retired from their work, like Dr John Campbell for instance. Look for the proof that wearing a paper bag on your face has absolutely no effect on protecting you from a virus, and you may as well wear a paper bag on your head. Find out the actual causes of death in our hospitals and how many people were helped on their way with a mixture of drugs they were instructed to use. Find out how many died WITH the virus but not FROM the virus, and went to get help in the first place with other ailments. Check to see how many young people - especially young men are dropping dead like flies from vaccine use, and how many of us are now ill with problems the vaccines have caused (untried, untested gene therapy)
Look around you and work out what is going on behind the smoke screen, what has changed since we all got locked away. The banks will crash. They want one central bank, an identity tag for everyone, artificial intelligence will know all of everyone's private business, and the cities will all be locked in again. Watch out for some more scaremongering, more pandemic type situations, more supposed magic jabs they want to pump into us (even babies as young as six months) watch for farms to close down, the countryside to be made taboo, dangerous ticks that will give you encephalitis and birds that will descend to give you bird flu, and when all the sheep are herded into their pens, it will be more power for "them"
I believe that "they" will of course be creating their own demise as well.

Sod it, I think I'll go back into the garden and do some more weeding.

Susan BBPM

Full Access Member
Jun 29, 2022
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United Kingdom
How many have died of it depends how you asses the number of deaths, by people who died within a certain time of testing positive, by numbers with it on the death certificate, etc. but around 200,000 people in the UK. Most were in the first couple of years, we have got much better at treating it, and it would seem that vaccination has made a big difference, not so much to catching it , but dying from it. If you asses it by excess deaths it is much higher. I have no trust in the government, but I reckon death certificates issued by individual doctors will be fairly accurate, and I don't think the office of national statistics is corrupt. There are still around 600 deaths a week from it, enough to make road traffic accidents look fairly minor, we have a whole raft of rules and regulations to protect us from them hmmm.

Anyway, enough to say it is certainly deadly to many, and as it happens I am in just about the highest risk group. One of the remaining immuno=suppressed coming up for 80 years old, so I kind of object to it being underplayed. I wear a proper mask when I am out, not often, and I get my seventh dose of vaccine on Monday.
The average age of death from the 'pandemic' was older than the average lifespan. In other words, when you get to a certain age with certain health problems something will come along and knock you off your perch - flu, winter vomiting bug - a cold even. The year of the pandemic there was no flu - which is why so many off the 'about to die' died of covid rather than the normal causes. Just look at the government's own stats.

A common cold is deadly to many. But to most people COVID was not a killer. For the majority of the population the lockdowns and vaccines did far more harm than the virus.

I'm not saying those that feel vulnerable shouldn't protect themselves. But if it truly is a climate emergency where mankind itself is at risk - is it really prudent to produce and dispose of so much plastic in the form of PPE, syringes, masks, gloves etc so that sickly 83 year olds could die of flu rather than covid?

Look how many young, healthy people have been killed or seriously harmed by vaccines. Why do sickly 83 year olds matter more than healthy 20 year olds?

Honestly, I think it's all been one big scam. The truth is slowly but surely coming out.


Full Access Member
Mar 26, 2013
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Port William
United Kingdom
THE biggest failing, the biggest scandal of all, of the plannedemic, has to be the refusal of pharmaceutical laboritories to investigate the efficacy of cheap, readily available medicines, like IVERMECTIN & VIT D. in order to justify the cowboy use of untested vaccines which have turned out to kill far more people than they saved, & raking in $tens of billions in profits in the process.

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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United States
As one who is vaccine damaged, I have made a personal effort to research this subject. There is plainly much more to know about this, and the truth is now beginning to come out, both here and in the USA and Australasia. Rather than explain this truth, and mention from whence it begins, I would urge others to actually do their own research. Look for the findings of well qualified medical people who are now retired from their work, like Dr John Campbell for instance. Look for the proof that wearing a paper bag on your face has absolutely no effect on protecting you from a virus, and you may as well wear a paper bag on your head. Find out the actual causes of death in our hospitals and how many people were helped on their way with a mixture of drugs they were instructed to use. Find out how many died WITH the virus but not FROM the virus, and went to get help in the first place with other ailments. Check to see how many young people - especially young men are dropping dead like flies from vaccine use, and how many of us are now ill with problems the vaccines have caused (untried, untested gene therapy)
Look around you and work out what is going on behind the smoke screen, what has changed since we all got locked away. The banks will crash. They want one central bank, an identity tag for everyone, artificial intelligence will know all of everyone's private business, and the cities will all be locked in again. Watch out for some more scaremongering, more pandemic type situations, more supposed magic jabs they want to pump into us (even babies as young as six months) watch for farms to close down, the countryside to be made taboo, dangerous ticks that will give you encephalitis and birds that will descend to give you bird flu, and when all the sheep are herded into their pens, it will be more power for "them"
I believe that "they" will of course be creating their own demise as well.

Sod it, I think I'll go back into the garden and do some more weeding.
Agree with you. Its all about controlling the masses. All about finding sheep. And though years of dumbing down, of not supporting critical thinking the masses just follow.
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Full Access Member
Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
Zigs and I had a nasty flu like illness in December 2019. I asked the surgery to please make a note of this on my record. They did not. I also asked them to note on the same notes that the 3rd vaccine had made me extremely ill. They did not do this either. We were all told to stay away from surgeries and hospitals unless the emergency was really great. We did. It was the actual heart attack when I was admitted to hospital. I found a video of a nurse who was a whistleblower giving evidence of things that were happening. She refused to be part of it any more, and left her job. I reckon @headfullofbees hit the button when he referred to this as a "plannedemic"
Incidentally, all of this has a LOT to do with the title of this thread. Comeback of ancient farming practice?? How I wish!!
Who made monetary profits from this fiasco? This big lie... Asking questions is what we should be doing.

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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@Tetters , just true information for you to chew on. I was about 15 years old, so that is over 50 years ago. Living in Ohio, USA. My parents had a friend, he was referred to as Farmer Brown. Yep, we would visit him, and he did have a huge huge farm. He farmed or grew certain crops, and recall some animals. But what I do remember just like yesterday, he and my dad were having a conversation, and Farmer Brown told him that the Government paid him NOT to farm certain amount of acres. One knows with economy, if there is too much of something, the price goes down. Back then the Government wanted controls also.

There is an interesting book out, about the financial /economic history of USA. "The creature from Jekyll Island". I started it, but its tough read, as I re-read some paragraphs and then "get it" I can see things happening today in the world in that wording. The reason for the title goes back many years. Way prior to when USA started "taxing". there were a handful of filthy rich families, and yes, that "secret" group of political movers, they summered in New York and on Rhode Island, in beautiful mansions, (look up Rhode Island Mansions). And they were winter in Jekyll Island which is part of a line of islands off the state of Georgia. It was on Jekyll island where they would meet and develop what today is the Federal Reserve (not controlled by the Government). The developed the beginning of taxations to all people. Some last names, Roosevelt, Vanderbelt, White. I certainly have to get back to that book.
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