Comeback of Ancient Farming Practice

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Susan BBPM

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Jun 29, 2022
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Explain this any other way if you can:

Every working climate scientist (that is every professional climatologist, dependent upon grants for his income, his mortgage & his status) "believes" in anthropogenic climate change.

Most RETIRED climate scientists (that is those no longer on the govt. teat), do not.

Ergo the difference in "belief" is solely down to the need to protect one's income & status.
The key word here is 'believe'. All anyone does is 'believe'. No one knows. And that is my point.

There isn't enough certainty for governments to be acting the way that they are. Clearly (in my opinion) 'climate change' is a cover for something else. And I personally think the most likely explanation is what I outlined above re the impossibility of exponential growth of the economy (and its very definite and imminent collapse).

The current model cannot work indefinitely as you cannot have exponential growth in a finite world. Eventually we would destroy the world - but fortunately for the world we're going to destroy our society first and set ourselves back to the stone age! LOL Nature has a way of sorting things out.


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Mar 22, 2017
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The key word here is 'believe'. All anyone does is 'believe'. No one knows. And that is my point.

There isn't enough certainty for governments to be acting the way that they are. Clearly (in my opinion) 'climate change' is a cover for something else. And I personally think the most likely explanation is what I outlined above re the impossibility of exponential growth of the economy (and its very definite and imminent collapse).

The current model cannot work indefinitely as you cannot have exponential growth in a finite world. Eventually we would destroy the world - but fortunately for the world we're going to destroy our society first and set ourselves back to the stone age! LOL Nature has a way of sorting things out.
It wasn't that long ago that my eldest son in Tasmania was sending us warning videos about what was actually happening in the world - by stealth, and right under our noses. I would say it was about summer in 2019. It was the end of that year that both Zigs and I had a mystery illness which lasted for a month. We were very ill and there are days in that month we can't even remember between us. Then as we got better, there was a call for everyone to get vaccinated to save us from a pandemic which had started somewhere in China. This frightened the life out of us, and we duly queued up with all the other worried folk for a miracle dose of magic medicine.
As time went by, Ziggy was puzzling the ''climate change'' scene, and was more than a little bit bothered as he had read geology and early history in great detail, and things were not adding up. I hadn't got a clue :clown:
I accepted three vaccinations, the last one was Pfizer! That was the top up that made me really ill, and I ended up with a heart attack, with lots of bad after effects. Now, in 2023 the truth is slowly emerging about what is really going on, and we had more than enough incentive to really look in great depth at it all. We have learned a lot between us, and try to issue warnings to our friends and family as much as we can. If only I had listened to my eldest son in the first place!
I would urge you, and anyone else on here who will listen, to do your own research. The mainstream media has been hushed as has the BBC. There is, however a growing body of folk who have woken up, and many of these are working together now to try and remedy the dreadful situation. They include scientists and doctors and those with far more knowledge than I will ever achieve.
I would urge friends here to start looking for these truths, and then decide whether they have been lied to and deceived by those who consider themselves more important than we are.
All we can offer then is an occasional link to start the journey. We should all have the chance to find out for ourselves.

Susan BBPM

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Jun 29, 2022
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United Kingdom
It wasn't that long ago that my eldest son in Tasmania was sending us warning videos about what was actually happening in the world - by stealth, and right under our noses. I would say it was about summer in 2019. It was the end of that year that both Zigs and I had a mystery illness which lasted for a month. We were very ill and there are days in that month we can't even remember between us. Then as we got better, there was a call for everyone to get vaccinated to save us from a pandemic which had started somewhere in China. This frightened the life out of us, and we duly queued up with all the other worried folk for a miracle dose of magic medicine.
As time went by, Ziggy was puzzling the ''climate change'' scene, and was more than a little bit bothered as he had read geology and early history in great detail, and things were not adding up. I hadn't got a clue :clown:
I accepted three vaccinations, the last one was Pfizer! That was the top up that made me really ill, and I ended up with a heart attack, with lots of bad after effects. Now, in 2023 the truth is slowly emerging about what is really going on, and we had more than enough incentive to really look in great depth at it all. We have learned a lot between us, and try to issue warnings to our friends and family as much as we can. If only I had listened to my eldest son in the first place!
I would urge you, and anyone else on here who will listen, to do your own research. The mainstream media has been hushed as has the BBC. There is, however a growing body of folk who have woken up, and many of these are working together now to try and remedy the dreadful situation. They include scientists and doctors and those with far more knowledge than I will ever achieve.
I would urge friends here to start looking for these truths, and then decide whether they have been lied to and deceived by those who consider themselves more important than we are.
All we can offer then is an occasional link to start the journey. We should all have the chance to find out for ourselves.
My husband is convinced he had Covid in late 2019 - supposedly before it existed!!! LOL

I was utterly horrified by the lockdowns. It terrified me. Don't get me wrong - I'd happily stay home to prevent spread of a virus, but I'd do it willingly. The idea that the government would FORCE me to stay home really got alarm bells ringing for me. That led to me immediately distrusting the vaccine. I just felt it was too rushed - that they were panicking. So we declined the offer. I was utterly gobsmacked by the way in which media and politicians talked about people like me. Talk about demonization!! I was taken aback by how readily most people were willing to turn on each other.

None of us can know for sure what's going on and why. We can speculate on what theories we think are most likely to be true. All I know is I have zero trust in most of the institutions in this country and around the world. I've also lost faith in British people - most seem to be very happy to turn on their neighbours out of fear. Fortunately for me, I don't have kids to worry about. So we're trying to get off grid as much as possible and hope to live out our natural lives before the government (or whoever the bad guys are) catch up with us. I trust myself more than I trust anyone else. I used to be very pro-establishment, but not any more!

My house and garden are my world now. They'll take me out in a box!


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Apr 4, 2020
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The key word here is 'believe'. All anyone does is 'believe'. No one knows. And that is my point.

There isn't enough certainty for governments to be acting the way that they are. Clearly (in my opinion) 'climate change' is a cover for something else. And I personally think the most likely explanation is what I outlined above re the impossibility of exponential growth of the economy (and its very definite and imminent collapse).

The current model cannot work indefinitely as you cannot have exponential growth in a finite world. Eventually we would destroy the world - but fortunately for the world we're going to destroy our society first and set ourselves back to the stone age! LOL Nature has a way of sorting things out.
I think George Carlin said

"Screw the planet, save yourself! "

Oliver Buckle

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Feb 13, 2021
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On the other hand if I believed a truck might be out of control and heading for me I would get out of the way, not wait to see if my belief was well founded.


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Mar 26, 2013
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Port William
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On the other hand if I believed a truck might be out of control and heading for me I would get out of the way, not wait to see if my belief was well founded.
Couldn't agree more.
Far better idea than trying to build seventeen 5-lane highways to reduce the risk by 0.001%, which is effectively what we're doing.
If we gave everyone who was really, & I mean really, in danger of dying from climate change, £1m to relocate to relatively safe areas, & we are gaining far more safe than losing unsafe, with the Sahara desert alone growing by 8% over the last thirty years, it would be far, far cheaper & more sensible than what we're doing now.

Have you actually seen the projections of costs to achieve net zero in developing countries alone?

Note who's paying, not the rich, the ordinary taxpayer.
At a time when 30-40% of UK families are struggling to heat & eat, the WEF wants $100trn going out of our economies.

Any idea how much it would cost to reduce warming by ONE TENTH OF ONE DEGREE CELCIUS?

You are not advocating getting out of the way of the truck, you want to build those alternative routes, which will have little bearing on where that truck ends up.
By the way, we're well into the SECOND pause in warming, this time it's 8 years & 9 months since there was ANY heating.


Full Access Member
Apr 4, 2020
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Northeast Ohio
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On the other hand if I believed a truck might be out of control and heading for me I would get out of the way, not wait to see if my belief was well founded.
Nobody has said stand there and wait for the splatter. Just because the truck is weaving doesn't mean it's out of control either.

Plenty agree that the climate is changing. There's also evidence that this is nowhere near a cataclysmic thing. Seems more like dodging potholes vs crashing.

Reminds me of driving with my wife. She'll yell watch out for the deer! And I calmly reply, it's a mile down the road dear.

There seems to be a group that is all or nothing on this issue. Any questions or disagreement is met with accusations of ignorance rather than discussion about the questions.

Susan BBPM

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Jun 29, 2022
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On the other hand if I believed a truck might be out of control and heading for me I would get out of the way, not wait to see if my belief was well founded.
Yes, of course. But my point is that we're effectively standing in the middle of a motorway with a blindfold on and a track hurtling towards us. We have no way of knowing what will result in the best outcome - standing still, jumping left, jumping right....

It's very possible that if we decide to jump we'll simply jump from a position of safety into the path of the truck.

That doesn't mean do nothing. It means do things that you're certain will increase our chances of survival. As individuals that might mean reducing consumption, recycling, growing our own food, solar etc. We have no power over what governments choose to do.

I get very annoyed at the 'do gooders' that preach about the environment whilst continuing with a life of excess - including private jets and gas guzzling vehicles. By all means make the decision to continue a life of excess - but they shouldn't be preaching to others!!

All any of us have control over is ourselves. If enough care we can make a difference without government cooperation. If enough don't care then it's in the lap of the gods.
Last edited:

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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I see this thread come up often. will have to read it.
But till then, anyone collected old "Farmers' Almanacs." And the Amish in my area certainly keep up with old fashioned farming. Bet there are books about them and farming out there.

Susan BBPM

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Jun 29, 2022
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United Kingdom
I see this thread come up often. will have to read it.
But till then, anyone collected old "Farmers' Almanacs." And the Amish in my area certainly keep up with old fashioned farming. Bet there are books about them and farming out there.
Lots of stuff like that online for the US, but here in the UK all thoughts of self-sufficiently have been long forgotten. We've been too domesticated for too long!! Incapable of doing anything for ourselves. Of course there is some expertise here, but few and far between.


Cactus Grower, Kent.
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Oct 10, 2012
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Lots of stuff like that online for the US, but here in the UK all thoughts of self-sufficiently have been long forgotten. We've been too domesticated for too long!! Incapable of doing anything for ourselves. Of course there is some expertise here, but few and far between.

The moment you decide to mend something, grow something or make something you are on your way to self sufficiency :)

Not everyone can produce everything they need but there's no harm in producing some things. You might not be able to grow enough potatoes to support yourself but you could probably grow enough onions or garlic. It's working out what you can and can't do. The other day the tractor battery was flat so I jump started it from the solar electric. That could work both ways, if we were running low on solar power after a few days power cut, we could charge the solar array by plugging the tractor into it for half an hour.

It's a good feeling to know you're not totally reliant on others. And a good feeling if you're in a position to help if needed.

Susan BBPM

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Jun 29, 2022
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United Kingdom
The moment you decide to mend something, grow something or make something you are on your way to self sufficiency :)

Not everyone can produce everything they need but there's no harm in producing some things. You might not be able to grow enough potatoes to support yourself but you could probably grow enough onions or garlic. It's working out what you can and can't do. The other day the tractor battery was flat so I jump started it from the solar electric. That could work both ways, if we were running low on solar power after a few days power cut, we could charge the solar array by plugging the tractor into it for half an hour.

It's a good feeling to know you're not totally reliant on others. And a good feeling if you're in a position to help if needed.
We have Bluetti Solar Generators and that is currently giving us way more electricity than we could hope to use - and will continue to do so until October. But during the winter it gives us very little help. We are still on-grid (but would like to get off) but it's just not possible in those winter months. Wind turbines don't seem to be reliable enough, and I think we have too much turbulence anyways.

I guess we could cut back consumption in the winter (get a little camping fridge etc). Then we'd manage most days in winter. A diesel generator would plug the gaps.

I am absolutely determined I won't have any 'smart' devices in my home. I HATE giving up control to external sources. It's not about 'conspiracy theories'. It's about wanting to keep control of my own environment. So I will not allow a smart electricity meter to be fitted in my home. Which probably means I will have to go off grid in the next few years.


Cactus Grower, Kent.
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Oct 10, 2012
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We have Bluetti Solar Generators and that is currently giving us way more electricity than we could hope to use - and will continue to do so until October. But during the winter it gives us very little help. We are still on-grid (but would like to get off) but it's just not possible in those winter months. Wind turbines don't seem to be reliable enough, and I think we have too much turbulence anyways.

I guess we could cut back consumption in the winter (get a little camping fridge etc). Then we'd manage most days in winter. A diesel generator would plug the gaps.

I am absolutely determined I won't have any 'smart' devices in my home. I HATE giving up control to external sources. It's not about 'conspiracy theories'. It's about wanting to keep control of my own environment. So I will not allow a smart electricity meter to be fitted in my home. Which probably means I will have to go off grid in the next few years.

You are very wise to not have anything "smart" at all. It makes it only too easy for other people to switch us off for whatever reason they make up this time.

Yep, having lived off grid for 3 years I know only too well about the "hungry gap" 3 weeks either side of the winter solstice when what little low sun there is seems to get blocked by every tree and building inbetween it an the solar panels. (I call it the doldrums) One thing you may find useful is a usb charged magnetic light. We have one (I'm thinking several would be good) they last for ages, give a bright light and stick to anything metal. I know it's only light but that's a useful thing to have in the middle of winter. Charge them all up when you've got the spare power.

I'll have a look at the make of ours later.

I have a rutland wind charger, it was good for a back up but not good to rely on.

I'll have a think further about saving power for later, got lots of veg plants to sort out while it's raining this morning :D

Susan BBPM

Full Access Member
Jun 29, 2022
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United Kingdom
You are very wise to not have anything "smart" at all. It makes it only too easy for other people to switch us off for whatever reason they make up this time.

Yep, having lived off grid for 3 years I know only too well about the "hungry gap" 3 weeks either side of the winter solstice when what little low sun there is seems to get blocked by every tree and building inbetween it an the solar panels. (I call it the doldrums) One thing you may find useful is a usb charged magnetic light. We have one (I'm thinking several would be good) they last for ages, give a bright light and stick to anything metal. I know it's only light but that's a useful thing to have in the middle of winter. Charge them all up when you've got the spare power.

I'll have a look at the make of ours later.

I have a rutland wind charger, it was good for a back up but not good to rely on.

I'll have a think further about saving power for later, got lots of veg plants to sort out while it's raining this morning :D
I'll need to pick your brains later!!

We have battery operated solar fairy lights. The little fine wires with dots of light all over them. We have them scrunched up in glass vases all over the house. They can be programmed to come on for 6 hours starting any time you choose. We got ours for about £1 each out of poundstretchers 3 years back and they're still going strong. We use rechargable batteries (which we always have enough solar to charge). The batteries need charging once a week.

The result is - as soon as it gets dark these little light vases switch on all over the house. It's light enough not to need to switch lights on other than to read.
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