Comeback of Ancient Farming Practice

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Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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I'm not meaning vaccines that have already been tried and tested - like the ones for mumps, measles and whooping cough. The link given is about this new untested, experimental ''vaccine/poison'' that can render children unable to produce offspring among other things - the one that is gene therapy.
The reason for watching the link that @headfullofbees thoughtfully supplied.
It would pay to actually click on the link!
knew exactly what you met. And I agree again.


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Mar 22, 2017
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I was trying to answer Ruderunner - not you Esther.


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Apr 4, 2020
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My questions were rhetorical, I understood what you meant and agreed. I just pointed out that all medications can have side effects, even the ones that have a well proven track record.

Remember, even dihydrogen monoxide can be deadly if inhaled.;)

In an effort to get the thread back on topic, I did get the new fence put up around our lower garden plot. Rain all day today so oil changes on the vehicles, including the pre EPA 6.5 liters of American V8. See, I'm doing my part to hold off the next ice age!

Oliver Buckle

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Feb 13, 2021
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Some ancient practices rely on having a lot of land to use. On the old strip system used in medieval England there were always a number of strips that were left fallow. They would be ploughed three or four times a year, which would incorporate the weeds growing before they set seed, but no crop was grown on them.
Similarly slash and burn requires the land to be left for some time after use for a new growth to grow and be slashed. The increase in population means that we don't have that luxury anymore and use good land almost continuously. That means regenerating it by other means.
Hunters and gatherers are not usually seen as farming, but reading about Kalahari bushmen I discovered that when they find a melon plant in fruit they sacrifice the best melon to the Gods, in effect planting the seeds for the next generation. People get heated about the genetic manipulation of plants, but. inefficiently, we have been doing it for ages; we would not have wheat or maize without it.


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Apr 4, 2020
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There's a difference between natural selection and manipulation.

Lack of space is relative. In the old world it's a concern. Here in the states, the fallow field is still a thing. Slash and burn never made sense to me, there's more effective ways to clear land.


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Mar 26, 2013
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Some ancient practices rely on having a lot of land to use. On the old strip system used in medieval England there were always a number of strips that were left fallow. They would be ploughed three or four times a year, which would incorporate the weeds growing before they set seed, but no crop was grown on them.
Similarly slash and burn requires the land to be left for some time after use for a new growth to grow and be slashed. The increase in population means that we don't have that luxury anymore and use good land almost continuously. That means regenerating it by other means.
Hunters and gatherers are not usually seen as farming, but reading about Kalahari bushmen I discovered that when they find a melon plant in fruit they sacrifice the best melon to the Gods, in effect planting the seeds for the next generation. People get heated about the genetic manipulation of plants, but. inefficiently, we have been doing it for ages; we would not have wheat or maize without it.
Then you'd agree that30by30 is an evil globalist plan?


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Mar 22, 2017
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What a wonderful young lady, she put that message SO well. If only the rest of the youngsters could recognise the lies they have had shoved down their throats. I worry for them, it is the youngsters that have to cope with the terrible outcome of all the greed and sheer wickedness.


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Apr 4, 2020
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Sigh. This "world's going to end " stuff has been going on forever. The climate alarmists have been teaching it in schools for decades.

But, anyone with sense would wonder why the goalposts keep moving. First we were going to freeze to death in the 80s, now we're going to fry. But the reality is that we keep living and nothing has really changed. It's not even smoke and mirrors, just unsubstantiated statements.

So what's the next climate catastrophe? Wind storms going to blow down all our cities? Guam is going to tip over?

Susan BBPM

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Jun 29, 2022
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I'd say it depends. A vaccine with a well proven track record, like polio? Sure.

The not a vaccine for the vid? Nope.

There's risks associated with any medication, one needs to decide whether those risks outweigh the risk of illness.
I'd have agreed with you until recently. However, if you look at the actual data you see that these viruses were in decline well before the vaccine's came along.

In my mind at least, the question still hanging in the air is whether the 'tried and tested' vaccines do more harm than good.

Deaths from these diseases has been tracked for decades so we have hard data. Measles for example - by the 50's deaths in the UK had been reduced to 10's in a year through nutrition and sanitation. Contrary to what we're told - it doesn't seem to be vaccines that prevented measles deaths. Check out the governments published data for yourself!!

What isn't tracked is correlation between other health problems and vaccination. We know for example that Autism and allergies are on the rise - significantly so. Has any research been done to establish whether these conditions are more common in the vaccinated? Given that almost all kids in the UK are vaccinated it would be hard to tell as there's no control group.

I had blind faith and didn't challenge these things until the utter fiasco of the 'covid pandemic'. Now I like to see the hard data for myself - and I have to say, I'm not convinced by the value of established vaccines. Or things like Cancer screening for which there is ample evidence of harms yet not a single study showing that cancer screening has saved a single life.

On balance, in light of their behaviour during the 'pandemic' I would rather take my chances with nature than the NHS. I'd use them for something like a broken bone. But honestly (looking back on what's happened with my own family members) I don't think health care is all it's been cracked up to be.


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Mar 22, 2017
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When it comes to the recent ''pandemic'',there is now more and more evidence emerging (not from the silenced mainstream media though) from doctors, and medical papers, that the ''vaccine'' was being produced before the illness. Just today I have been looking at papers that back this up. It is gene therapy we have been attacked with.
I only started to wake up when it caused me to be so very ill. There are thousands of people in my shoes, but those in higher places who are being used as puppets, have been silenced. Why was the Astra Zeneca ''vaccine'' removed. Why are no questions asked? Why are people being silenced and wiped off social platforms online for daring to discuss this? Why all the secrecy?

Susan BBPM

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Jun 29, 2022
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Some ancient practices rely on having a lot of land to use. On the old strip system used in medieval England there were always a number of strips that were left fallow. They would be ploughed three or four times a year, which would incorporate the weeds growing before they set seed, but no crop was grown on them.
Similarly slash and burn requires the land to be left for some time after use for a new growth to grow and be slashed. The increase in population means that we don't have that luxury anymore and use good land almost continuously. That means regenerating it by other means.
Hunters and gatherers are not usually seen as farming, but reading about Kalahari bushmen I discovered that when they find a melon plant in fruit they sacrifice the best melon to the Gods, in effect planting the seeds for the next generation. People get heated about the genetic manipulation of plants, but. inefficiently, we have been doing it for ages; we would not have wheat or maize without it.
What we have to remember is that in the 'good old days' crops would sometimes fail - this resulted in starvation and death of many.

For all that I hate about modern society, I have to concede that I'm not certain I'd choose an alternative if I was able to do a full comparison.

I like to think that if technology was used to make life better - better in OUR opinion - we'd have the best of both worlds. But as things stand I think the driving factor is more power and wealth for a select few. But that HAS led to a better life for ordinary people - we can't deny it.


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Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
From after the war until recently it has been a good life, and so much easier, but that has left modern generations with an apathetic stance on the subject. Much is taken for granted, and I fear that as the younger generation comes out of this static acceptance that mashed potato will always be available in a ready to use plastic bag, and the dishes will wash themselves with the push of a button, it will be a very hard knock when they suddenly wake up and are floundering in the new existence that is likely to be a nasty reality very soon. They are well meaning, and believe they are supporting life on the planet, when they have been cruelly hoodwinked.
No sackcloth and ashes, no ''end of the world is nigh'' shout... just the greedy few bringing the ''plan'' to an evil fruition. 'All we like sheep' We all need to wake up and say NO. There is no weather crisis - it is a lie!

Susan BBPM

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Jun 29, 2022
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From after the war until recently it has been a good life, and so much easier, but that has left modern generations with an apathetic stance on the subject. Much is taken for granted, and I fear that as the younger generation comes out of this static acceptance that mashed potato will always be available in a ready to use plastic bag, and the dishes will wash themselves with the push of a button, it will be a very hard knock when they suddenly wake up and are floundering in the new existence that is likely to be a nasty reality very soon. They are well meaning, and believe they are supporting life on the planet, when they have been cruelly hoodwinked.
No sackcloth and ashes, no ''end of the world is nigh'' shout... just the greedy few bringing the ''plan'' to an evil fruition. 'All we like sheep' We all need to wake up and say NO. There is no weather crisis - it is a lie!
I agree. My mum was born in 1929 and she died in 2007. In her last few years she'd often say to me "I lived through the best times. It's downhill from here". She obviously saw signs of decline long before I did.

But the important point is - the way in which we have lived for the past few decades is not sustainable. It has been fun whilst it lasted but it has to end. It's not a choice between what we had something else. What we had is no longer possible.

The problem is, most people haven't yet accepted that we can't continue as we were. It's no good moaning about 'the Great Reset' and the evil plans of the elites if we don't come up with an alternative. And we won't come up with an alternative until we accept that what we had is over. Not because of climate change - that's just the cover story. But because the old way relies upon ever increasing consumption of resources in a world were resources are finite. We're at the end of that road.
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