The garden invaders - cerinthes! Cerinthes everywhere and I have already moved 6 to the front and they died because of the heat and dryness in the soil. And I removed some 5 big ones which I forgot to replant
Not so bad as ox-eye daisies!
Rose Standard thinks it's summer. It had never flowers until a month ago
Salvia amistad with stems collapsing everywhere and an aster enjoying the time of the year!
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The heat and drought agreed with my rubber plant and spider plants. The pot has white juicy roots sticking out. Another struggle to rehouse the lot and more pots. I have repotted 10 stems of spider plants
So next year, I need to find out an important main stem of every single dahlia and properly label their heights and stake them. The Art Nouveau likes to bury their flowers in amongst the foliage!