@Zenj I wish I had a pond so that I can buy that flower! So unique. I'm looking at properties with a stream and one is in Staffordshire, too cold for me. Would love to have a place with different microclimes.
I have the same astilbe, but my flowers are scorched even though I keep watering them. Very sad. The water in my lily tub has evaporated by an inch yesterday. You must be thrilled with your gorgeous sunny weather. Glad that such a healthy hedgehog visits you and he will definitely be a regular.
Bought a stalk-less delphinium for £2.49. Couldn't help it when I saw the words Black bee or black eye..And a clematis armandii snowdrift. Hope it is scented. All the roads were gridlocked. Awful and police and ambulance were everywhere.
@Leeski Was thinking of you when I saw a young couple stranded in a busy road shoulder with hazard lights on and the man on the phone. Next to them 10 to 15 100x100 concrete slabs, OUTSIDE THE CAR! We can visualise the pain!
@Logan - if I get to see hedgehog in the morning, I will be hooked as well. All I have are 2 squabbling cats fighting over MY garden!