Your day apart from gardening

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
No luck with the firm who made the door. They don't make anything in Canadian maple laminate.

After a lot of "trawling" I've found another firm who can make me the doors in the necessary laminate. We don't need a window in it.

There's no complete kitchen cabinet makers that make them in that material which would be preferable.

The "door firm" are sending be a sample so I can check it's the same colour.

They can make it with the same required profile, any size I like.

From their website

But I'll have to make the cabinet.

That's fairly straight forward if the local woodyard have that shade of laminated chipboard.
They can cut all the pieces to size.

The only problem will be the pelmet.

You can see on the previous photos of the re-made cupboards around the boiler that the new bottom pelmet has a slightly different profile from the old top one. (well, I notice), but then I fitted it.
The problem is if a new top pelment available isn't the same profile as that of the bit over the fridge/freezer, that will notice, but I might try to disguise it where it turns the corner immediately after the fridge freezer.

I have some wallpaper left to cover the required "boxing in" above it.

Hopefully, I can do the mitre cuts for the joints in the pelmet with a hand saw, not an easy task.

My wife is now "umming and ahing" about it. But I have said "You started it."
"With any luck" it will end up looking like the one on the other side of the kitchen, but a bit wider like the other one.
This one is deeper, so they are real soft close drawers.

The one with the window is too shallow for drawers so it's actually a door made from two drawer fronts to make it match. I can manage that, I didn't fancy having to make some drawers!

I've one spare long handle for the tall door and I can pinch two of the smaller ones in the original cupboard that I fixed at the front of the shelves to stop the Noritake dinner and tea servive sliding out we had in there, which was relegated to daily use last year. So they are no longer necessary. They are the correct smaller size for the small door.

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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4 to 5 best for success.
United States
Soaking raining all night, so no outside stuff. Cleaning out my car which recently was used for hauling stuff to one of the apartments we put up for sale to fix stuff. Now that is done. Two apartments was up for sale, one went to settlement last week. the other under contract. Joining both monies to buy a place in North Carolina or South Carolina, so the search continues for the ideal place based on some short list. The view, water or river, done (want nothing to fix up) size is not too important. Husband took the trip to see places, just returned. debating .

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
I've got the cabinet finished and in position.

There was a slight hold up as I was going to put just a plain sheet of hardboard at the back. But this "wasn't acceptable," as it wasn't washable.

So I had to trapse up to B&Q at Trafford Park this morning for a roll of what we used to call "Fablon."

Anyway, it's done now. Just waiting for the doors and the pelmet.

A "bit of fettling required," so there were no exposed screw heads.
The first shelf is fixed, as that's the bottom of the top cupboard.
The other two are adjustable, if I drill some more .5mm holes for shelf supports, if "required." (I have more shelves). They'll fit either cupboard.



Just waiting for the doors and the length of pelmet.
Last edited:

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
We had our flu jabs today, before that I was at the dentist to have a filling replaced and before that I did the week's shopping.
But all done and dusted by 3.00pm.

The doors for the cupboards. should arrive the beginning of next week and the pelmet the week after. I need to get some plasterboard for the boxing in at the top.
I'll then be waiting for the go ahead to replace the toilet.
I fitted the present one twenty years ago, when I replace the whole bathroom suite. We've since had the bathroom re-done but we've still got the old separate toilet. I fitted a flat back one witrh a concealed cistern in a cabinet.
Both the toilet and the cistern are getting tired and I relaced the soft-close seat a couple of times, but they don't fit too well.
It'll end up looking much as it did, as the cabinet that hides the cistern is fine.

I could get someone in, but it'll be less of a pain doing it myself. It's no big deal.

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Cleared the leaves yesterday, filled the green bin. There's as many to do again already,. so I'll leave it until Wednesday once the bin has been emptied. Cleaned the car this morning and my golf clubs.

Might be a busy day tomorrow.
Golf in the morning and the doors for the new cupboard are expected. So if they arrive I'll put them on, not a big job.

I also need to sort out the repair to my vintage 1970s Leak tuner/amp. It's started, "motorboating."
For the less technical this is where you get the sound of a motorboat when you turn it on. It still functions. As you turn up the volume, whatever is on, the radio, turntable, cassette or my iPods, the sound masks the motorboating sound, it isn't increased by the volume control. But it's not right.
It may need re-capping, but I'm prepared to pay for it to be done. There's a workshop in Salford that specialises in vintage equipment. I'll give them a ring.

There's a lot of these little firms around. There's one on the main road that specialises in repairing car radios.

Nothing unusual in that, but they only repair those that have valves (tubes).
There must be enough people with classic cars that have the original radios, they want to keep going.

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Hmm.. the doors arrived this morning, so I got at them this afternoon.
Took longer than I thought, but it's done now. Just waiting for the pelmet that should be here next week.
Need to practice doing a few mitre joints, not done any for decades,.


Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Doing things yourself these days has got quite expensive.

I'm up to £350. Bur I'm nearly there, the length of pelmet is paid for and I just need a bit of plasterboard for the boxing in above the pelmet.
It would have been more expensive to "get a man in," if I'd been able to find someone willing to do it, given how hard and long it was and took to find the right gear.

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