I've had a measure up of the guttering on the garage. It's had that cheap narrow stuff I used, bought from B&Q thirty years ago, but it leaks in several places and has been flooding our new clematis roots, it also has to cope with the moss falling off the garage roof. As it's asbestos panels. I'm loathe to touch it. Anyway the birds like to dig around in it.
I replaced the pergola some ten years ago, but had the sense when I made these special brackets to accommodate full size guttering passing through them if ever I felt inclined to replace it.
I nipped out an hour ago to my favourite plumbing wholesalers where I've always bought "pip stuff" for my koi pool.
2 X 4mtr lengths of guttering, a host of brackets, a joining piece, 2 X end stops, plus the outflow, 2 X 45 degree bends, down pipe and a spout, just thirty-six quid. "Cheap as chips."
It'll have to wait until the weekend, as my new leccy piano is coming at lunchtime and Miele will be bringing the replacement fridge/freezer later this afternoon. Then it's golf tomorrow morning and shopping after lunch.
I'll probably recycle a bit of the old stuff, I only need 8ft of it for this side of the roof of the shed that is built onto the end of the garage.
"So much to do, so little time."
Other than that I just gave everything "a coat of looking at,"
I gave the back lawn some three in one last week and it's responding well, I'll leave giving it its second cut of the year until next week.
I always get a few small moss patches close to the left-hand border, it's in the shadow of the fence and some of the planting until mid day.
You can see the shadow here at mid-day.
This bit's not so affected.
The front lawn is always a problem as the front of the house is North facing. The edge of the lawn is permanently in the shadow of the azaleas, despite me taking the shears to them each year, so it always takes until June for it to recover. But it's doing its best.