I did more digging this morning shown top middle and I'm pleased thus far with my progress; dig like mad for an hour then have a good rest; digging like this keeps me warm otherwise should I take my time the cold weather and prevailing breeze would quickly chill me; it's been a nice day today and once I warmed up I removed my heavy wind/waterproof coat which is rare; the bottom left grassed area is mostly moss and one of the reasons I want to get rid of the grass; with all the trees casting shadows grass has a very hard time of it hence moss; planting shrubs and flowers means no more dragging the petrol lawn mower up the mountain. Digging is very hard work due to the massive network of roots; this is the first dig over to get rid of the rubbish; I'm sure digging over again will be much easier.
I've got a large area at the top of the garden which isn't so steep and I've been wondering whether I could use a tiller? 5hp tillers can be bought through eBay for around £300 but I wonder if they could till this grass;moss;roots?
I've even considered hand digging for the first turn over then perhaps a petrol tiller would prove useful and I could then split the garden creating a vegetable patch; I've even considered erecting a polytunnel at the top of the garden but I fear vandal attacks?
I keep digging though and over the last few days have made lots of progress; it sure polishes my spade.
The second picture shows the top of the garden where I've removed a long hedge together with its roots so this area is nicely turned over adjoining it is an equal area but in grass and moss; it's this area I'm now heading towards and at 60' long it's going to be hard work digging it over by hand; a tiller would be ideal if it would cope removing lots of the hard work and I love to have lots of toys to play with so I wouldn't begrudge buying a tiller?
Bron kindly asked of me what I would like as a pressie for Christmas but I couldn't think of anything I needed but If I could use a tiller then a machine similar to the one at the link above would be something nice for me to play with; I've just built a new garden hut so have somewhere safe to store it?
Kind regards, Colin.