@Colin - Crohn's Disease is horrible. I am so happy you found a way to have some control over it. I developed Colitis a few years back out of the blue. The Doctor had me on all kinds of medications, but nothing seemed to help much. The only thing that kept it somewhat in check, was a diet of very bland food. My life came to a halt. Making plans or going out almost became non-existent, because everything had to be planned around the nearest bathroom. I started doing my own research and found out that most people who develop Colitis usually develop it as a teenager/early 20's or in late middle age. And, of those who develop it in late middle age, an overwhelming amount of them are ex-smokers. Well, my symptoms started shortly after I quit smoking. With no medical help, I decided to try an experiment. Even though I had been off cigarettes for over three years, I started smoking 3 cigarettes a day; not much change. It was when I upped it to 5-6 cigarettes a day, my symptoms vanished after a few days. I stopped smoking again, and the symptoms returned after a few days. I started smoking again, and the symptoms vanished again! From my research, I found that something in the cigarettes (not nicotine) inhibited the production of an enzyme that is thought to play a big part in Colitis. Of course, I have had to take a lot of heat from some people who say, "Oh, so instead of some random disease, you'll die of lung cancer!" My answer to them is, "At least I won't die sitting on the toilet!".
I wish the medical profession would do more testing to extract whatever it is in cigarettes that has this effect. The biggest problem is keeping my cigarettes to 5-6 a day.
Yesterday, I installed 2 - 16 foot strips of 3/4" PVC piping with U-Clamps midway up the roof of my greenhouse. I am going to attach leftover greenhouse film with clamps made especially for attaching film to hoop frames. The will effectively lower the ceiling about 3 feet and help with retaining more heat lower in the greenhouse. I ordered the clips from Amazon. They should arrive tomorrow. I can also use the pipes to hang shade cloth when needed. I will have to find another way to hold the cold frame tops open since the chain hangs from the ceiling now.
The clips: