Been out of town for a bit. Got back to grass that was nine inches tall. Took me two passes over it with my tractor at the highest setting to knock it down, and then we added that to our compost pile. We pulled up all the chard, cucumbers, squash, and some dead tomato plants and planted beans. They are doing well! We still have a number of tomato plants (little yellow ones as well as big red Heirlooms) doing well and producing for us. We have also had five watermelons grow even though we hadn't planned them. They have all been delicious so far!
Cooler weather isn't too far away, so in a couple of weeks, I'm going to try my hand at planting onions and spinach. My wife got some kale seeds yesterday as well.
Our chickens are doing great! They have been producing three to five eggs each day (we have five hens), and that is nice! We also just bought 400 pounds of beef (a side of beef, basically) from a local farmer. That was the best decision all year! We got the beef for $2.90 per pound since we bought in bulk. Just ONE ribeye at the grocery store right now is over $20 per pound. Insanity. We also purchased 80 pounds of chicken from another local farmer. That worked out very well as well. That cost about $50.00, if memory serves.
We're looking forward to building two more raised beds for next season bringing our total to six raised beds for gardening! I've been toying with the idea of building a greenhouse just to do everything possible to keep out pests (bugs and animals). Not sure if we'll do that or not.
I hope you all are well! Looks like people have been busy!!