What did you do in your garden today?


Full Access Member
Mar 2, 2018
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United States
View attachment 97236
A small harvest of tomatoes and peppers today. Roma and Cherry tomatoes.
Jalapeño, Serrano, Shishito, and Lunchbox peppers.
I'm glad somebody is getting tasty tomatoes and peppers. I'm in Santa Barbara, CA and we've had day after day after DAY of complete overcast. No sun. Hard to grow tomatoes without those sunshiny days. Even the oranges are taking longer to ripen. Not that I'm complaining ----- Pulling weeds is a heck of a lot more fun when sun's not beating down on you. (Looking on the "bright" side. Ha.)


Full Access Member
Mar 2, 2018
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United States
Today I did nothing, but yesterday I trimmed the ancient briar rose that is right up against my front porch. That thing has thorns unlike any other rose. I swear the dang plant reaches out to grab people. Wicked wicked plant. Loads of roses. Where are the honeybees? Only saw one tiny hovering type bee.
After trimming the "mean" rose bush, I cut back my native Fuchsia (Epilobium canum). I hated doing it, as it's just about to flower, but it's next to the path and the delivery guys were struggling to get to my front door.
THEN, I yanked out some tall grassy weeds that look like Southwest cup grass. Slowly eradicating this "cup grass" from my yard (or so I tell myself). Perseverance will pay off, right?
Pulled out about 15 Sowthistle weeds, dismayed that some had already been able to disperse their seeds. At least they're easy to yank out.
Filled the birdbaths, filled the birdfeeders, front and back.
Dumped a load of bamboo and eucalyptus leaves into my compost bin.
Dumped the kitchen scraps into the compost bin.
Scooped mosquito larvae out of my rainwater containers. (One smart CA towhee has learned to run over and eat the larvae I tap out onto the sidewalk.
Dumped my kitchen sink "last rinse" water onto my blackberry, hyacinth and glads. (Glads are in full bloom now, looking spectacular.)
Really glad our weather has been gloomy and overcast. Sure makes weed-pulling and hedge-trimming a lot cooler work.
But today? I didn't even go past my front porch.
Oops. Correction: Lilac, not Hyacinth. Don't know where I got Hyacinth from. Can't grow 'em in my plant zone.

Oliver Buckle

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Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
Scooped mosquito larvae out of my rainwater containers
I cut a piece of bubblewrap to fit the tub and it goes up and down with the water stopping the larvae from getting to the surface to breath. Even with a gap around the edge where the tank bulges in the middle it still seems to work.

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
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"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Nothing today as it was a golf day.
Just like gardens, golf courses are suffering from the lack of rain.
This is ours this morning, looking particularly parched. This is a par five, the green is on the plateau to the left of those tall trees in the distance. There's a fairway either side, their greens are to the left and right of the camera position. Much of the grass is white. We've a lot of trees, they don't seem to be suffering yet.


I was playing in one of four groups of members. Two players gave up in different groups, as they found it too hot.
You have to be prepared.

This is my electric golf trolley. They have a 30v lithium battery the size of a flattened bag of sugar between the wheels.

It has a socket for an umbrella which you use as a sunshade. There's a gimballed drinks holder on one side of the handle and a score card holder on the other side. I also had a second flask with a cold drink in the bag. There is also a seat on the other side. Handy for when you are being held up and under the cover is a storage area for more balls, spare glove, more score cards, tees and a sandwich if you choose etc.,

So I was OK.

Most of the members with whom I play have electric trolleys, a few have push trolleys and one today was carrying his bag, which I thought in this weather, was a bit daft.


The greens as always, were perfect, the sprinklers come on at 5.00am and again half way through the day.


When I came home I mist sprayed the acers. It's a bit cooler and there's some cloud cover, but still no sign of rain, so I'll be watering again tonight.
Hosepipe bans could be on the way for some areas.

Oliver Buckle

Full Access Member
Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
Red hot and dry here too, Sean, but my daughter in West London was caught in a massive downpour on her way home and there were pictures of cars in North London driving through flooded roads. Wish we could get a bit of that, fill all my water barrels and wet down the garden.


Full Access Member
Mar 2, 2018
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United States
I cut a piece of bubblewrap to fit the tub and it goes up and down with the water stopping the larvae from getting to the surface to breath. Even with a gap around the edge where the tank bulges in the middle it still seems to work.
Oliver: I have tried adding coffee grounds to the water, to no avail. (Tip I read somewhere.) What mystifies me is that some of my tubs NEVER have larvae. Somehow certain receptacles are more attractive? A mosquito came into my kitchen today (a first ever, as far as I know) ---- so tomorrow . . . More scooping.
I appreciate your tip, but I am trying to keep plastic(s) out of my garden. Even bubblewrap, seemingly so innocuous, probably leaches chemicals into the water, if left in the water long enough.

Oliver Buckle

Full Access Member
Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
I appreciate your tip, but I am trying to keep plastic(s) out of my garden. Even bubblewrap, seemingly so innocuous, probably leaches chemicals into the water, if left in the water long enough.
A good point, but anything that floats will do it. I have done it in the past with vegetable cooking oil but gave it up as it gets pretty messy after a while


Full Access Member
Mar 2, 2018
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United States
I used to just scoop and feed the larvae to my gambusia (mosquito fish). But the damn raccoons got into my small 55-gallon pond, stirred up the silt and all of my fish . . . Gah . . . Now the pond sits dry and empty.

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
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"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Did a bit this morning.
Cleared a lot of waterlogged dead wisteria blooms off the two patios and the path under the garage pergola.
Didn't use the garden vac, just a broom and a dustpan and brush, as I didn't want to use the Grizzly as it makes a heck of a noise and would have disturbed the blackbird on her nest in the wisteria. Oh! I got the name wrong, my wife says her name is "Bunty" as her other half is "Bert."
He's pretty useless as he seems to spend a lot of time just sitting on our TV aerial on the chimney, singing.
So that was enough for one day. The engineer came to fix our Sage coffee machine, so the Smeg and the coffee grinder can go back in the garage.
I've been waiting over two weeks for an appointment to have my ears syringed, but I'd heard nothing, (no pun intended). I was told I'd get a call when I reached the top of the waiting list.

So I phoned about it today and was told, "Can you come on Friday?"

Give me a break!

big rockpile

Full Access Member
May 17, 2023
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Lebanon, Missouri
United States
Early yet but pulled Wheat out of my Peppers where I decided to mulch with straw.

Repotted Marigolds and placed them in different spots.

Repotted Petunias and put them on our Deck.

big rockpile

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
I'm feeling quite old today,

We have a Portuguese mail lady, Katya, she's about thirty.

She's admired our front garden and a few weeks ago my wife told her she could see our back garden if she wanted to. I was sweeping the drive this morning when she arrived, so she asked to see it.

She took lots of photos on her phone. I showed her the summerhouse and the jukeboxes, she said she'd only ever seen digital ones in pubs.
So I let her choose something on the Motown one and she chose Marvin Gaye and Tammy Terrell singing "Ain't no mountain high enough."
She asked about the other, (more photos) I said that was fifties to eighties pop long before her time.
She didn't recognise any records from the title cards.
I said "You might know this," so I gave her a 10p coin and told her the numbers to press.
She looked at the 10p and said "What's this?" She didn't recognise it, as it's the old type we stopped using before she was born!
Nor did she recognise Rod Stewart's "Maggie May."



Full Access Member
May 5, 2018
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Kingsport, TN
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United States
Cut the grass today. Checked up on our various tomato plants, squash plants, chard, cabbage, potatoes, and watermelons. Everything is doing good, but caterpillars are eating our cabbage plants like crazy. I'm not sure what to use to drive them away. We've been using Neem Oil, but it isn't doing anything. Frustrating.

Let the chickens free range in the yard a bit today so that they could get some fresh grub worms from the soil. They really look forward to that each day. I'm also going to start my own meal worm farm for feeding the chickens. They love meal worms!!

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