Thanks Logan. Bron is the same when it comes to cars knowing nothing about them although Bron has done the ton (over 100 mph) as pillion on a bike just before we married then I parted company with bikes and moved over to four wheels which were/are more practical. I find it most strange Logan that so many couples are at each other's throats not supporting each other whilst making each other miserable; a neighbour's daughter many years ago married with all the show including Rolls Royce etc but the marriage failed in less than two years; Bron and I married in the register office with my family against us doing their best to split us up but in spite of such a poor start we've worked together as a team as no doubt you and your hubby has over the years.
Thanks alp; yes a much younger me taken in 1971/2 and in my head I'm still only a kid who never ever wants to grow up.

The BMW in the picture was traded in for a brand new BMW same colour same model but I kitted this one out with full fairing and crash bars etc also I installed a car radio with a long aerial attached to the top box; in the front windscreen I added a large blue BMW motorcycle club badge; in a rear view mirror a police BMW was bearing down at high speed so I always had a clear road; I travelled everywhere riding flat out; I used to travel 190 miles to Walthamstow and back in a morning with the speedo needle off the clock scraping metal down the M1 motorway with my chum Allan as pillion passenger; Allan was secretary of the BMW club. In 1972/3 there wasn't the volume of traffic or any speed cameras so I could open the bike up as conditions allowed; I loved my BMW bikes and rode them to the limit; such high speed would be totally reckless these days giving a very short life span but then it was sheer joy to be on the bike. I've not been on a motorcycle for over 40 years and possibly never will again.
I've done the supermarket shopping this morning setting off at 7:15 and it was frosty but yesterday afternoon I installed the new windscreen cover to the Yeti and WOW; a couple of minutes to remove the cover and place the cover in the workshop revealed a clear windscreen and clear mirrors and front door glass; well worth the £7.50 for the cover which is easy to install and remove. The car was reading -1.5C.
Kind regards, Colin.