If only I could persuade Blackie to leave me I'd be happy for him to pay you a visit zigs but unfortunately he's a home loving cloud; he was here again last night because as usual everything outside is wet.
Yesterday was rare in that as I looked out of our kitchen window blackie was waiting for me to play out;
Above shows Blackie wetting himself in anticipation of me going out to play. It was unusual to see the patio had dried.
I felt really annoyed because I wanted to do some paint spraying so the last thing I wanted was a wet atmosphere; amazingly after this early torment Blackie decided to give me a bit of peach and it developed into a beautiful sunny day; our driveway dried and I quickly set up my spraying outfit doing the spraying at last;
The driveway was about as dry as it ever is so it's now or never; do the spraying in a hurry before Blackie spots me.
WOW; at last the mower parts finally sprayed and inside the workshop before they get rained upon; just because Blackie left me alone it didn't mean his sister Gale was also going to leave me alone; I had to time the spraying between puffs of wind from Gale; as a bonus our neighbours gardener Paul was only a few feet away giving it all trimming bushes with his petrol trimmer; it can't be seen in the picture but there's a very fine coat of dust on the paint; I could compound the dust then polish but the finish is acceptable; in use the mower will be subjected to both Blackie and Gale.
Here's a good side of Blackie; he looks after watering our gardens so I can't moan too much when our garden looks like this; this is just a section of the new small meadow area I created at the top of the mountain and it's stunning; it keeps changing as some flowers fade others take their place; I showed it to Paul the gardener yesterday and he says he'd love an area like this. I can smile today; I can please myself if I work outside or not so Blackie isn't a threat.