

Beauty blooms in the garden as well as the heart.
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Nov 9, 2018
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West Midlands_UK
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Thanks for asking; yes busy as normal in the workshop; I finally got around to sorting the workshop out this morning; all the power tools are now stored neatly ready for action; they had been scattered around under benches; I've also got a lot of my woodturning blanks and decorating sundries also sorted in dedicated places so I now know where most things are. It was forecast 5C maximum here today but this afternoon I've enjoyed a good hour washing and leathering dry our Skoda Yeti; it was so nice in the sunshine I didn't at all feel cold so I checked under the bonnet (hood) and also topped up the adblue; what a truly wonderful day today turned out to be; left alone to potter around in peace without a single interruption to distract me; if only every day were like today. :)

Our central heating is earning its keep and I'm now using the electric fan heater in the workshop so life is brilliant; after doing the three supermarket shopping first thing tomorrow morning whoopee another workshop day is planned; Tuesday is Bron's day so a trip out to the stores but I might manage an hour in the workshop later in the day.

Kind regards, Colin.
Hi Colin, pleased your doing fine mate and finally got around to sorting your shed...well I see you washed your motor, my other half does it and it always rains after.... pointless :LOL: Colin hubby got rid of the mg as the chap said with the seals gone and how he's repaired them it wouldn't do it's he's had a Rover 75 Connoisseur auto estate 2 owners and low mileage...brill for taking suff down the tip and his car meets :p

Our Rads have been going since late September/ early October on 26C oh dear something will be said when the bill drops through the door...i'll hide :whistle:

Yes take Bron out and treat her also ;)


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Apr 14, 2015
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Thanks Sheal; I understand your feelings; I too enjoy looking at our back garden; it's a steep slope and the grass is meadow hay; every year the grass was more moss than grass and cutting it with the petrol mower gave me a good workout; I decided to get rid of most off the grass/moss so created beds with grass paths. Now I've exchanged mowing grass to weeding but once the ground cover plants/bushes establish I'm sure it will work well.

I thought grass cutting using the petrol mower was hard graft until Bron kindly bought me a new petrol Hyundai rotavator; dragging the rotavator to the top of the mountain left me standing for five minutes trying to get my breath back whilst trying to balance the rotavator; I don't need to join a gym. Now all the hard work is done with the roots and stones removed it's a pleasure to use the rotavator; I no longer need the rotavator but as I enjoy playing with it I'll keep it.

Kind regards, Colin.:)

View attachment 48605

Up the mountain this morning.

View attachment 48606

To the left.

View attachment 48607

Our neighbours cats Harvey (b&w) and Max (tabby) practicing a stand off. The garden has been evolving over the last 31 years; digging out by hand and laying heavy flags building dry stone walls and building the shed all were excellent exercise and unlike paying gym fees whilst wasting lots of energy I put my energy to good use saving a fortune with something to show for it.

Yes, I've been watching your progress in the garden Colin, you've achieved a lot considering the lay of the land. It's looking good. :)


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Sep 17, 2017
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Thanks Gail_68. Yes it usually pours down for me too immediately I've spent ages cleaning the car. Your hubby likes his Rovers and MG's; I once bought an MG YB saloon paying £16 for it and it was taxed and tested; the rear brakes didn't work at all the brake pipe had been cut and flattened so it must have had a dodgy MOT certificate; my first car was an Hillman Minx Convertible costing £5 but then I go back quite a way; in 1973 I traded in my BMW R75/5 750cc motorcycle against an almost new MGB Roadster; I was very disappointed with its performance which looking back perhaps I expected too much having just traded in the big bike. What memories though and these days £5 won't buy a gallon of petrol.

Good luck with your Rover and isn't it great being able to take full loads to the local tip; our Yeti converts into a decent sized van and it swallows up lots of cargo; I save our rubbish until I have a full load before visiting the tip.

If your radiators don't warm you up enough your gas bill will as ours will too but we're only here once and I don't begrudge paying to keep warm; we also have had an electric blanket for over 40 years and wouldn't do without it; we change the blanket about every five years for our safety; it's an under blanket that can be left on all night if required; we like it because it puts the warmth where most needed not just warming the bedroom. :) I'm always amused by people going mad watching their utility bills and switching; it beats me how all the companies can be cheaper than each other; we've been with British Gas and Npower for all our married life and there's more to life than having a nervous breakdown trying to save a bit of money. Bron's chosen Boundary Mills in Catcliffe for our trip out next week; Boundary Mills is a big con with its up to 75% off but it's a run out being about 30 miles distant from home; Bron prefers M&S but Boundary makes a change.

Thanks Sheal; yes it was hard graft tackling our rear garden; I had to fight the urge to run to the bottom of the valley it being so steep; I can't even balance a mug of tea without the mug wanting to disappear but its amazing what can be done in desperation; the steepness though gives our garden so much character and gives me many a good workout weather permitting; I've considered installing a ski lift. :ROFLMAO:

It's been cold again today but I've not noticed it much in fact I've enjoyed myself today pottering around.

Kind regards, Colin.


Beauty blooms in the garden as well as the heart.
Full Access Member
Nov 9, 2018
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West Midlands_UK
Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
morning everyone,

Well what can I say to our lovely English weather CRAP as usual....damp and wet yet again tops 34F


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Sep 17, 2017
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Damp and cold here too at 3C. I slept in this morning which is rare; up at 6:30 and hit the ground running; I've already visited the usual three supermarkets and we had put the shopping away by 8:30; I always do the supermarket shopping taking along a wish list for each store the list in order as I whizz around so no impulse buying; Morrison's; Aldi and Home Bargains all located near each other; I never ever go into Huddersfield Town because the council hate car drivers going mad with traffic wardens high on speed just waiting to pounce.

We now buy our bird nuts online and the next 25 kg at £34 are to arrive this morning; I'm surprised our birds can fly or the squirrels run around given the number of nuts they scoff every day; it's lovely to see them though; I bought a load of cat biscuits too this morning; some of the birds especially blackbirds love these cat biscuits as do all the neighbours moggies.

Enjoy your day.

Kind regards, Colin.


Beauty blooms in the garden as well as the heart.
Full Access Member
Nov 9, 2018
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West Midlands_UK
Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
I always do the supermarket shopping taking along a wish list for each store the list in order as I whizz around so no impulse buying; Morrison's; Aldi and Home Bargains all located near each other;
Hi Colin, your routine sounds like my hubbies ...I do the lists then send him out :whistle:


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Sep 17, 2017
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There's still a few good hubbies around Gail_68. :love:

I've mentioned many times there is little peace living here with all the problems and hassle; I decided to treat Bron to a shopping trip this afternoon taking her over to Boundary Mills Retail Outlet in Catcliffe to spoil her a bit; the outward journey went smoothly but as we neared home we ran into a big police presence with lots of flashing lights and the main road cordoned off; it was chaos driving down the narrow country lanes; it doesn't get much worse than this unless there's a big bang; as long as no one becomes injured it's just another of our life's hassles.

It makes a change from the usual drunks and druggies driving cars that are in court on a daily basis with no let up. :(

Kind regards, Colin.


Beauty blooms in the garden as well as the heart.
Full Access Member
Nov 9, 2018
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West Midlands_UK
Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom

There's still a few good hubbies around Gail_68. :love:

I've mentioned many times there is little peace living here with all the problems and hassle; I decided to treat Bron to a shopping trip this afternoon taking her over to Boundary Mills Retail Outlet in Catcliffe to spoil her a bit; the outward journey went smoothly but as we neared home we ran into a big police presence with lots of flashing lights and the main road cordoned off; it was chaos driving down the narrow country lanes; it doesn't get much worse than this unless there's a big bang; as long as no one becomes injured it's just another of our life's hassles.

It makes a change from the usual drunks and druggies driving cars that are in court on a daily basis with no let up. :(

Kind regards, Colin.
Hi Colin,

I know that mate and he's brill and I do :love: him...even though he moans more the older he gets :banghead:

I bet Bron loved going out and you spoiling her, I hope your broke the bank :ROFLMAO:

Well how your on about where you live, where we are it's quite and the druggies have found out it's a nice drop of centre but for the last 2wks it's gone very some ones been done and words got about's a pain in the butt mate :rolleyes:


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Sep 17, 2017
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I've done the supermarket shopping for over twenty years so know the stores layout; Morrison's though scupper my plans on purpose by keeping rearranging the store; the last time they did this it threw me out for months but they still didn't get more out of me it just frustrated my list. Bron likes brown wholemeal tea cakes and Morrisons make their own cheap versions but strangely when I visit first thing these are seldom on the shelves but the more expensive ones in packs of four are always there; after being caught out a few times by this ploy I looked around Aldi and they always have the cheaper tea cakes on their shelves but they are in six packs at less than half Morrisons dearer items; Aldi also do a multigrain loaf which I like so Morrison's have lost out on two of their products; Morrison's fresh Soya cost about £1.10 per litre whereas Aldi fresh Soya costs 59p per litre; we use a lot of fresh Soya so on this one product we can save over £300 per year; cat biscuits £5 at Morrison's the same biscuits £3.99 at Home Bargains. Morrisons though play silly games making their customers think they are getting something for nothing with loyalty card and coupons etc; all gimmicks to trick the usual shopper; my till receipt at Morrison's generally show around 160 loyalty points and I believe I have to collect 5,000 loyalty points in order to receive a £5 shopping voucher; I shop twice weekly so 320 points per week? I'm expected to carry their silly loyalty card around for over 15 weeks in order to gain £5 when all I need to do is drive a few hundred yards to Aldi where I can easily save over £8 PER WEEK; Morrison's treat their customers like fools and the customers accept it but I don't; loyalty cards are not needed at Aldi or Home Bargains the other two supermarkets I visit. Morrison's can keep their loyalty card and gimmicks as far as I'm concerned. Our Morrison's have just had a Portakabin type building erected in their car park this being Timpsons; many years ago whilst Bron popped into the toilets at Meadowhall I took her watch to Timpsons just by the toilet entrance it only needing a button cell fitting; I was amazed to be charged £7. Round in the Oasis tool shed they charged me £1 for two button batteries for our car key and even fitted one free; what a rip off pair on one site; Morrison's and Timpsons; obviously I'll not be a Timpsons customer ever again.

Thanks Gail_68. Yes Bron enjoyed the trip out but actually only spent around £35 at Boundary Mills because Boundary Mills are rip off making out their prices are much reduced when in fact the ticket initial price is vastly inflated then the reduced ticket price makes the item look like a genuine bargain; we like to visit Boundary though mostly for the trip out.

The best place for drunks and druggies is Landfill; I've absolutely no sympathy for anyone who doesn't have their own self respect and it's long overdue for the do gooders to look after victims not the idiots who blight decent peoples lives.

Kind regards, Colin.
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Beauty blooms in the garden as well as the heart.
Full Access Member
Nov 9, 2018
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West Midlands_UK
Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Colin, we live local to a morrisons and they do rip you off and for good dates you have to look at the very back hubby as found fod out of date and told them but now he does the main shop at Asda and goes to home bargains for my toiletries...Aldi's for a nose and if he comes across anything gives me a bell but he's tool mad besides :mad:
The one Christmas we did the loyalty card and all we got was £25 off the bill for the year that was when we first moved here...never again it's a con and I think their smaller stores get the left overs from what the large stores don't need...that's why shelves are empty half the time.


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Mar 21, 2017
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redditch west Midlands UK
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Good morning all clear sky and light wind temp 1 to 3c
There's been a frost, have to be careful when walking the boys, but i do know where the worst places are.
Sunrise 8.04
Sunset 16.36

We find Asda is cheaper than the others, but it's only a small supermarket, it shares it's space with B&Q. It used to be just B&Q but the DIY places around here have closed.
Tesco, Morissons and Asda are close to each other, Aldi is further away so don't go there.
I'm guessing why Aldi's baked products are cheaper is because they get the flour from abroad. We have Shredded Wheat and it's grown here. If we had a cheaper one it's not grown here or produced here.:)

Colin glad that Bron had a good day yesterday.:)


Beauty blooms in the garden as well as the heart.
Full Access Member
Nov 9, 2018
Reaction score
West Midlands_UK
Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
my lovelies,

Well what can I say CRAP weather again...frost last night and woke to a wet miserable day yet again...temp 33f and it's very cold again, so what ever your doing
up well :)

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