They were the size of my thumbnail. SO cute!!

I watched my step for days!!
Hmm... it never occurred to me to try to plan that, but it shouldn't be
too hard!! You are headed into Autumn, right? Wait a month or two, then go look in the bushes for the egg sacs! If you put one in your garden, you'd probably see babies by late spring/early summer. Couldn't hurt to have them in the garden, either!!
We have a greater amount of mantises in the yard after I learned what the egg sacs look like and I started saving them from the burn pile after pruning the bushes.
I searched for images - the egg sacs will look something like these:
View attachment 28366 View attachment 28367
More images here:;_ylt=AwrB8o4bKeJZMDkA86cunIlQ?p=praying+mantis+egg+sacs&fr=yhs-mozilla-003&hsimp=yhs-003&hspart=mozilla&fr2=p:s,v:i
And, more pictures, because they made me happy...
Here are a couple "Mantis Mamas" that look like yours:
View attachment 28369 View attachment 28370
And then this one, because I like the way the fake "eyes" look so intimidating!!
View attachment 28371
And lastly, more babies!!
View attachment 28372 View attachment 28375