When it knows whose garden it's in It'll grow - it wouldn't dare not to.
The ground here is good, and has in the past (early 1900's) been used for crops, but for too many years now has been turf. Used as a sports field from about 1950 for the local schools, and since then a camping ground that I ran as a small business to keep my head above water.
I started adding trees and shrubs, and added some flower beds to pretty it all up.
Now, with help, much of it has been turfed, and the resulting ground used for even bigger flower/shrub/ornamental grasses displays.
Ziggy's vegetable area has been hard work to prepare. It seems to have every veggie enemy lurking round every corner. The slugs and other foes attack with a vengeance, and on top of that the weather has also given us problems. Very cold winds, ice and freezing temperatures - drought and then excessive rain when least expected !!!
and. of course, Ziggy has been building his cactus business at the same time, so an uphill climb.
It becomes even more important to grow our own food now though, if we can, as the world is in such a precarious state due to the evil going on from the ''few'' shall we say.
Younger people need to be encouraged to get to work and grow what they can as organically as possible. The trouble is, so many of them will not listen.