November Garden inventory now includes from the left 10 x 80 ft cover crop of white clover/vetch/winter rye, row reserved for next year's potato crop, row reserved for 1015 onion plants coming soon from valley, row of about 30 softneck garlic, 750 Texas granex and 1015y onions grown from seed, row of 3 varieties of cabbage, 2 varieties of broccoli, and kale, row of 3 varieties of potatoes, collards, and brussels sprouts, row of more broccoli, 2 varieties of radish, 2 varieties of carrots, collards, mizuna, American cress, turnips, and onions, tubs of tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, swiss chard, onions, bok choy, celery, and Jerusalem artichoke, 16 x 80 ft cover crop of alfalfa, elbon rye, turnips, and peas, and 3 jalapeno plants and three toro pepper plants still producing. We've been eating fresh broccoli, radishes, chard, collards, now several times a week for 3 weeks. Hoping a killer freeze holds off a few more weeks and will have a 100 pounds of potatoes to dig and vine ripe tomatoes.