Susan BBPM
Full Access Member
Yes, you've got it. I don't hate humanity. I neither love or hate any species. All are just a product of natural selection. When one species becomes so dominant that it trheatens other species the correct descriptive word to use is infestation.You don't hate humanity but call us an "infestation"?
Things don't look good?
Humanity is the richest it's ever been.
Up until 140 years ago we ordinary folk in UK/USA were living on less than $1 a day at today's rates. I absolutely agree with redistribution, but WEF's plan is for the ordinary folk to bear the brunt of redistribution, instead of the nauseatingly rich. As for oil/gas/coal they are precisely what have made us rich:
ENERGY = the ability to do more work & individuals can do what tens of people could do without machinery.
We are not being herded into 15 minute ghettoes because we've done anything wrong.
Hunter gatherers would strip areas of absolutely everything they could forage with no thought about the environment; they were too poor to have any choice.
We have the right to eat meat, & it's not eating meat that causes cruelty; it's the PROFITEERING from eating meat which is to blame.
YES we could feed the planet on organic practices alone, eventually, but that would involve a lengthy changeover & hugely more labour, reducing profits (which isn't a concern to me).Oth
Humanity is a benefit to the planet & the wealthier we become, the more we can afford to care about the environment.
Make gas & electricity universally cheap, set people free from unrelenting grind; that's how to look after the environment.
We have thousands of years of natural gas reserves including fracking reserves etc.
I look around me and I dislike most of what humans are doing to their environment. Others are of course entitled to disagree.
What I will say is that I have been luckyi enough to live through a rare 'golden age'. I was born after the war and have always known peace. I grew up and lived my adult life through the 'boom' years where cheap energy (fossil fuel) made massive expansion possible. Until recently it all seemed wonderful - and constant. But it's now very apparent that the bubble is about to burst. As with every empire/society - it's all fun and games during the expansion phase, but when things collapse or retract it's hell on earth. It's easy to keep law and order, kindness, fairness etc when there's abundance. But when there isn't enough to go round people revert to type - survival of the fittest.
Native Americans and Aborigonies had a much more sustainable way of life. They worked with nature and took what they needed and no more. That way of life can last for a long, long time - but of course, a civilization such as ours will always come along and conquer eventually. That's the natural way of things.
I'm an extreme introvert. I couldn't tollerate living in a tribe or close community. I've loved the complete indpendence and free choice that Western society has given me. But it's over. Not from anyone's choice, but from the inescapable fact that a system requiring exponential growith in a finite world will always be short lived.
Time will tell. I'm merely explaining my interest in Ancient Farming Practices (which is what the thread is about). The key thing about Ancient Farming Practicies is they didn't rely on modern technology. They gave the individual complete independence. I think society is on the verge of collapse and my hope is to live out my final years/months enjoying the challenge of learning the old ways of doing things. Learning to live independently of the state.
If my predictdions are wrong I lose nothing. In my opinion Western society is passed it's sell by date. I don't like it any more. So even if the word continues to turn as normal I'll still be happy with my little project.