Might be a idea to look at other estate agents alp, they sound like they are after a quick sale to get the money, I think all round here work off a percentage of the sale so they will get more if the house sells for more. I suppose its the same with most people about putting in a lower asking price you should do the same, you could ask your estate agent for only offers over 375K, I can understand wanting a detached house / bungalow with a big garden
I grow tulip Victoria secrets 2 years ago I wasn't so impressed along with irene parrot, it put me off parrot tulips this year. I got some parrot tulip Rococo for next year hopefully they put on a show, flaming parrot a nice one.
Allium Cearuleum isn't a reliable allium, it tends to do a disappearing act after the first year, they disappeared for me and others I've spoke to.
Logan seeds - 17 packets off ebay from nutscones which I've had seeds off before I got ... Melon Emir F1 - Tomato santonio F1 - Cucumber mini Munch F1 - Petunia Blackberry / Reflections / Salmon shades Velvet trailing - Marigold A Vanillia (I've always want to try these they look so nice in the pictures ) - Heliotropium Marine ( high scent ) - Lobelia rose fountain - Begonia Illumination / Non stop ( difficult without good lighting / heat ) - Pelargoniums Spirit Orange / Horizon star purple - Busy Lizzie salmon - Coleus black dragon - Biden gold nugget - cosmos purity. All these seeds come to £16.95 including p+p with I think is cheap compares to well know seed suppliers
I also got some more to buy from 3 other suppliers,P+P cost going through the roof

. Need to get the Red / Silver trailing petunia and bacopa seeds from Dobies again, I was chuff to bits with all 3 of these this year.
Got some other seeds to get from Chiltern seeds and plant world of seeds which are a bit harder to get hold of - Digitalis Ferruginea V Gigantea / yellow herald or gelber herold as it other name perennial / short lived perennial foxgloves you've probably seen them before but the yellow herald interesting.
Also Acnistus australis which is a interesting small angels trumpet ( datura ) but in a blue / purple colour. I looking at a couple of other climbers Tropaeolum speciosum and Maurandya Magic dragon. I am trying some hertiage tomato this year as well BrandyWine Sudduth strain supposed to be one of the best for taste.
I grow some Tithonia rotundifora this year big ones 5ft +, germinate is a bit erratic and they tend to grow to about 3 - 4 inch and stop ( these were in 7cm pots ) they didn't really do much for ages then I planted them out in a large pot with dahlia DHoward , they soon grow rapido, they seem quite greedy plants in my opinion, they didn't get on with dahlia DH unfornatly so I will be planting them out next year in the garden.
Got a bit carried away talking about the seeds