It sunny again and forecast all week, the ground getting harder and harder to dig, But been really busy today in the Garden planting out like a mad man, watched the footy and a bit of tennis in between but other than that in the garden.
I've been trying to empty the GH of plants so finally planted out sweet peas - cosmos - annual rudbeckia - antirrhinums and others. Moved lythrum dropmore purple behind rose Lady of shallot, had a good plant out in the front hot border as well, got my iris supreme sultan planted along with lobelai QV - saliva amistad - coreopsis zagarb - dahlia A night. Got clematis walenburg plant in that border to grow up a buddleia.
Planted out the rest of the dahlias and erygrium nepture gold and other perennials, my colocasia black coral arrived the other day so potted that up for a summer display. Give the garden a good watering, the lawn looking terrible, not used to such long periods without rain. Potted up my cucamelon as well and feed and watered the tomatoes and cucumbers. I still seem to have to many plants in the greenhouse so I think I'll take them round to mum and plant some troughs up for her.