@Colin Thank you for the wonderful note. I do read the posts but won't dignify it with any posts.. Sometimes, as
@Verdun said, best is not to get involved. Perception can be a very difficult thing .. Nobody is the holder of truth .. Or we are all trapped within out truths.. whatever truth is..
Sad that your zeal went unrewarded. Some people like to see the world in a controlled way and might feel overwhelmed whilst you and I look for something new as I am bored and lonely whilst your brain is travelling 200mph... We do what cheers us up. But some other people might suffer from information overload. I remember this little girl whose mother asked me to teach her something. I had half an hour with her. After that, her eyes glazed over and I moved my hand over her eyes and there was no movement. I took the hint. It's just like dog playing dead when they don't like to do something. Some people are like that.. It's their way of protecting themselves.
No need to be validated by anybody else. Oh, crumbs! I'm waffling now, as
@Upsy Daisy says.. I love the word as it makes me laugh!
I am going to pot up a lovely pink cacti dahlia .. I'm hoping for a Dahlia Daze season!