You lucky devil! Sooo envious of you. I seldom went to this gc as the prices are just beyond my budget. But Wyevale is now even more ridiculous. A paper bag of ordinary daffs or narcissus such as Minnows had the asking price of £20. It's only a paper bag with a handle. Went there after Summerhill and ran for the door. Even 50% is £10. Apart from the 50p end of season sale, I see no point of going to Wyevale.
I have to say the dahlia bulbs are not that big, but I paid £4.99 for a packet of bulb when I ordered them online. I am very happy that I've some good ones at Wilko for £1... I need to write them a flattering letter. It's so nice to go there, see the illustration and feel the bulbs..
This Summerhill has a good range of stock Camassis with 3 different types, erythroniums which I couldn't even find in Wyevale, I can't wait for the weather to warm up next week and put things outside. Can't wait for spring to come. ..