When the travel bug bites you


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Apr 5, 2020
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Tri Cities, WA (Columbia Basin)
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You mean Aruba? Sylvia Beach Hotel is well known - been there for many years - early/mid 80's at least. I knew a guy helped his girlfriend design and decorate the Edgar Allen Poe room. We lived about 15 miles west of Portland OR for 31years. Crossed the bar on fishing charters several times, it can get VERY rough. Retired and hightailed it out of the nasty wet cold weather to the high dessert of Central WA Columbia Basin. We stay at Courtney's place in KW. Usually go around May time, but DK when we will go back again. Hated Quebec. Business trips during the hot and heavy separatist thing. You know, the string of "oh, we must have asked the wrong question" referendums. 20% of the population being deliberatley obnoxiously rude to your face doesn't go down well with me, even if the other 80% are frantically trying to make up for it.... and then there's the language police. Really? Get a life. It's kind of funny, the French people I know - REAL French - laugh their as..s off at the "pseudo French" wannabes as they call them.

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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@cntrlwagdnr , had to go look it up, it was Ambergris Caye that we stayed at in Belize. We flew into the Belize airport got on some small planes (10 people) and hoped down the coast to stay at a town that I don't recall now, then back again up the coast, flying to Ambergris Caye--its really nice.
Sylvia Beach--my first stay there was in the Edgar Allen Poe room. Key West--we also used to go around May, we are involved with Mel Fisher so they dictate the weeks dates and arrange a big party on the beach. I 'll post one of the video's I took of the party one of the years. Did go to Quebec first time about 40 years ago, and yes did recall some rudeness. Then we went in 2019 Christmas, none of that occurred, very hospitable. Guess they realize if you want tourist money you have to be nice. Loved the Christmas decorations all through the town. I don't speak any French, my cousin does , he lives in Cleveland, Ohio, he will not go to Quebec to practice French, he says its the "wrong" French. But he does go to France once a year for 3 weeks to practice, and belongs to a French Club. He also speaks Spanish.

This is the last big party Mel Fisher hosted, due to the virus they have not again. Maybe in 2022 they will. Its a costume party. We did will a couple times over the years. And are in their book, mentioned 4 times.


Esther Knapicius

Full Access Member
Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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4 to 5 best for success.
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Well, looks like our stay in Virginia beach will have an addition to it. After the Car Show we will lock Sasha down in the resort parking lot and travel down to North Carolina to look at houses on the river or inlets to buy. Making our list, checking it twice going to find out which are naughty or nice. Fun.

Esther Knapicius

Full Access Member
Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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4 to 5 best for success.
United States
Back home, did buy a house in New Bern, NC. on the water, great views, nice house. Got a trophy for Sasha. On ward to our next chapter. No, not selling present house. love garden too much.

Esther Knapicius

Full Access Member
Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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4 to 5 best for success.
United States
Back from our trip to another car show in Maryland . Sasha won 2nd place best of show out of 500 cars. Awesome. this was a money win this time and a trophy. Some magazines people were there for interviewing, and shots, have to see what comes out of it. Resting now for car shows. But have to travel down to New Bern, NC for settlement in mid January. So glad to be home till then.

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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4 to 5 best for success.
United States
Just got the Street Scene Magazine yesterday. We are in there twice with our car. This was the trip to Vermont. It was fun driving through the many different paths to get to the Pro Pic area. Got lots of Woo's and Awe's.

Esther Knapicius

Full Access Member
Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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4 to 5 best for success.
United States
Just got back from a week in New Bern, NC. not a real vacation. We went to settlement, house bought. had 2 days to get some stuff inside it, electric and water turned on and wireless guy visited. and some furniture delivery. Back home. now with more stuff to buy to take down again in about a month. crazy busy.


Full Access Member
Apr 5, 2020
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Tri Cities, WA (Columbia Basin)
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United States
@cntrlwagdnr , had to go look it up, it was Ambergris Caye that we stayed at in Belize. We flew into the Belize airport got on some small planes (10 people) and hoped down the coast to stay at a town that I don't recall now, then back again up the coast, flying to Ambergris Caye--its really nice.
Sylvia Beach--my first stay there was in the Edgar Allen Poe room. Key West--we also used to go around May, we are involved with Mel Fisher so they dictate the weeks dates and arrange a big party on the beach. I 'll post one of the video's I took of the party one of the years. Did go to Quebec first time about 40 years ago, and yes did recall some rudeness. Then we went in 2019 Christmas, none of that occurred, very hospitable. Guess they realize if you want tourist money you have to be nice. Loved the Christmas decorations all through the town. I don't speak any French, my cousin does , he lives in Cleveland, Ohio, he will not go to Quebec to practice French, he says its the "wrong" French. But he does go to France once a year for 3 weeks to practice, and belongs to a French Club. He also speaks Spanish.

This is the last big party Mel Fisher hosted, due to the virus they have not again. Maybe in 2022 they will. Its a costume party. We did will a couple times over the years. And are in their book, mentioned 4 times.

Cool. Yeah, love Key West. So many things to do of every kind you could imagine - 4 trips so far (every other year, well not 2021) and haven't got to a beach yet! Something for everyone from partyers to history buffs. Never had a bad meal there. And there's always Bahama Bob! Not at Rum Bar much these days, but you always run into him somewhere - nice guy. (Yes, I've tried his bark juice - actually pretty good.) But I must say I'm not impressed with "genuine" key lime pie. Tried it everywhere I could find it there (trust me). Too bland. Not tangy enough for me. I make my own at home. We just got back from Jamaica last week Our 15th trip since 2007 - had to miss last year. Love the people, the country and the food..... and no tan lines...... In total we have spent over 6 months there so far and next year booked already. So much to do there too. We have visited schools, small farms, local restaurants, shops, vendors and other places as well as most of the places of interest and tourist attractions, etc. Never been to Dunn's River Falls - YS Falls is much nicer - and haven't made it to Scotchie's yet believe it or not, but planning on it next year. Went to Glistening Waters/Lumius Laggon before it was a big tourist thing - mind blowing, especially if you jump in off the boat. I cook a lot of Jamaican foods at home too. Great people.

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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United States
Just got back from another trip to New Bern, N.C. again with "the house" putting more stuff inside it, and getting to know the house. Stayed at a local timeshares. Did get a chance to make up the beds at "the house" but still need blankets and pillows. There is just so much room in a SUV. Maybe next trip down will finally sleep in "the house". End of March we are off to another car show with Sasha, up to Syracuse, New York. A different event. The president of the event met up with us when we were in York, PA. He asked us to be at his event in New York. Husband working on car, some underbelly stuff to complete. Unfortunately I never get to see the actual town an event is in unless we really make a point of it after the show, as we are stuck inside the whole time with the car and crowds coming around asking questions. I often say to my single girl friends, if you want to met a guy, go to a car show. sit with me and take your pick, I can be your side buddy. LOL.

Esther Knapicius

Full Access Member
Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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4 to 5 best for success.
United States
At our house in New Bern, NC. a relaxing glass of wine on the deck. Lucky shot to get the boat in the middle of the water. Steps lead to a wooden walkway then to our dock.

Esther Knapicius

Full Access Member
Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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4 to 5 best for success.
United States
Heading out to Las Vegas soon for a family wedding, Will stay a week. Its never been on my bucket list . Staying at a nice resort . Husbands family. Picking out some restaurants via trip advisor and friends. Nice surprise one of my friends, Sylvia is flying out there also .

Esther Knapicius

Full Access Member
Mar 28, 2015
Reaction score
Southern Chester County, PA, USA
Hardiness Zone
4 to 5 best for success.
United States
Pretty! What kind of boat do you have!?
we don't have a boat yet. first would have to put in a boat lift at the end of the dock, that costs about $10,000.00. then comes the boat which would cost_________. Just bought the house. However, its very easy for boaters to navigate off the ocean up the river to our place to tie off.

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