When the travel bug bites you

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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Finally got our trip to Vermont all organized. besides the Champlain Islands, we will be roaming around to a Fort T (can't spell it) south of there. Then Saratoga, NY. for a bit, then to see the Corning glass factory, then home. Its interesting planning with a 26 foot trailer in tow, where to park it, does the hotel have a huge parking lot etc. is it safe etc. But first the actual car show in Burlington, VT. Sept. 17, 18,19. So anyone near come find us.

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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Back from Vermont. At the car show we got top prize, "Builder's Choice". Sasha did awesome. will get some shots later. We took a drive up the Champlain Ilands. so beautiful, the views, the water so blue, Awesome country, beautiful mountain ranges. nice country roads. quiet, peaceful. We then got to Saratoga springs, NY, the main drag, Broadway, lots of Victorian homes, huge, with carved wood about roof lines etc. Old well kept buildings, Then we went to the Corning Glass Company, in Corning, NY. massive building, got to see some glass from 3Thousand years ago. Pics. later. Our next adventure is in November to Virginia Beach.

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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Husband hoping on a plane this Saturday to Gulfport for a cruise event, and fishing. He and his nephew will be having fun together. Meanwhile, Me, will enjoy the single life for a week. Yeah.

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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Where all have you traveled?
Yes, Tess, I have been to Alaska. about 5 years ago. may have posted pics way above. Used the Lindblad Exploration company, a small ship, only 55 like minded people. Staff have PhD in science, biology etc. Its an education journey as well as some leisure. Awesome. Its coupled with the National Geographic Society. I chose the week that the photographers go on, as the best possible shots, and also the northern lights are there then. Wonderful experience.

Oliver Buckle

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Feb 13, 2021
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There was a program on TV the other night about a group of women investigating the effects of global warming on a North West passage. What had been solid ice when they visited years ago looked very much like that first photo, with big chunks falling off the glaciers when thy got within viewing distance. They couldn't get too close, the icebergs form huge waves when they fall.

I have Wegeners, a nasty form of vasculitis and can't really travel, sitting on an airplane for long would be killer, never mind having a flare, but the missus is keen. She stayed home last year because of Covid but she has been to India three times and Nepal, Africa, and right up through South America. She will be off to Sri Lanka as soon as travel is back on the agenda. She travels with a couple of companies, Exodus and Explore, that do some really good tours. A group of people in a bus or converted truck so you get to know your companions and it is still safe for a woman travelling alone.

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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@Oliver Buckle , sounds awesome your wife's traveling. When I flew into Scotland I toured about in Edinburgh for couple days alone, then hooked up with a tour group, mostly women, a set arrangement with travel group to do the country roads of Scotland. That was my first experience with a bus tour situation. The sad part was the seats were assigned, I did not get a window seat. The person next to me at the window was a hog about that seat not willing to just take turns nicely. I would have to ask if we could switch for a leg here and there. She acted like I was asking to cut her arm off. Not sure I will do a bus tour again. But have in the USA done several solo trips, of which I enjoy. The solo trip I took on the ship was awesome. met so many grand people. a good experience.

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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Finally uploaded pics from our visit to the Corning Glass Museum. Huge building. Not nearly enough shots . Worth the visit if your able.

Oliver Buckle

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Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
@Oliver Buckle , sounds awesome your wife's traveling. When I flew into Scotland I toured about in Edinburgh for couple days alone, then hooked up with a tour group, mostly women, a set arrangement with travel group to do the country roads of Scotland. That was my first experience with a bus tour situation. The sad part was the seats were assigned, I did not get a window seat. The person next to me at the window was a hog about that seat not willing to just take turns nicely. I would have to ask if we could switch for a leg here and there. She acted like I was asking to cut her arm off. Not sure I will do a bus tour again. But have in the USA done several solo trips, of which I enjoy. The solo trip I took on the ship was awesome. met so many grand people. a good experience.
I am not sure which company it was, I'll ask when the missus gets home, but the 'bus' was a converted truck that held eighteen. Aircraft style seats and everybody got a window. You can do the whole tour or join for parts of it, they did one that went from Nepal right across India, down the West coast and back up the East to Nepal, she did the west coast to Chennai section of that. There was a new one they had just started that went from Istanbul to China through all the 'stan's and Tibet, one that was Kenya and Uganda game parks, and another that went the length of Africa. The truck carries all sorts of stuff, including tents, so they were camping out in places and using cheap hotels in others, she said they had a baby hippo stumble through their camp in Kenya :)

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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I am not sure which company it was, I'll ask when the missus gets home, but the 'bus' was a converted truck that held eighteen. Aircraft style seats and everybody got a window. You can do the whole tour or join for parts of it, they did one that went from Nepal right across India, down the West coast and back up the East to Nepal, she did the west coast to Chennai section of that. There was a new one they had just started that went from Istanbul to China through all the 'stan's and Tibet, one that was Kenya and Uganda game parks, and another that went the length of Africa. The truck carries all sorts of stuff, including tents, so they were camping out in places and using cheap hotels in others, she said they had a baby hippo stumble through their camp in Kenya :)
sounds lovely. But I am remaining in USA for now.

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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While heading south from Vermont toward home we also stopped by to see Ticonderoga Fort in NY. not a lot of shots but here they are. pretty decent views from high on the fort.

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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@Oliver Buckle , was thinking about the other solo trip I took, twice did the Oregon Coastline. awesome. We (husband and I ) both times flew into Los Angeles for a wedding, one was about 36 years ago, his youngest brother, and one was about 8 years ago a nephew. Both times husband flew back home to PA. I flew to Eugene, Oregon, rented a car and drove west to the coastline, stayed at an awesome B&B, Sylvia Beach Hotel in Eugene, stayed there about 3 nights then headed up north to Astoria another nice B&B stayed again 3 nights. Stopping along the way at my whim. then headed East toward Seattle, WA to visit and stay 4 nights with cousins, visiting my elderly Aunt, last sibling of my mothers alive. I do enjoy the travel by myself. Have never had any issues. Usually I have my key stops planned out on paper, some prior research at home, best tourist stop, best restaurant, etc. with some flexibility other things are discovered. its fun.

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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In a few days heading out again, to Virginia Beach. Car show for Sasha at the Convention center. Anyone close she'd love you to stop by. Staying in a timeshare 3 miles away, nice not to have to hotel it, will have a real kitchen etc. Not sure the weather yet for packing. Sasha will be inside a building. About a 8 hour drive for us, staying over night first to give the driver a break etc. Hope to meet up with some co-car show folks we have met in the past.


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Apr 5, 2020
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We have a big class A diesel motorhome which we use a lot from about April to October (just winterized it the other day). Went to Hawaii in April (postponed from 2020 of course). Alternating years in Hawaii and Key West now - except probably giving Florida a miss next year since they are iri-covid-sponsible. We love both. Getting back to Jamaica again in February after missing 2020. 18 years in a row so far, love it there, love the people and it's the perfect winter break for us. Got friends we see there every year. Seen and done just about everything we want to there at least once, so we mostly relax, enjoy and erase our tan lines these days. No need to go back to UK anymore since Mom passed and I like tender steak and real 100% beef hamburgers, not hockey pucks of some mystery meatloaf like substance. Anyway, been there done that my first 30 years. Fish and chips on the other hand..... "Authentic English fish and chips" here isn't even close. Well, maybe one guy from South London in Lincoln City, OR. But I finally perfected a real fish-n-chip shop recipe myself. (Had an apartment above a chippy in college.) Would love to go to a number of countries that frankly I prefer to view in pictures and video and cook the food at home, thanks. It's safer and and a whole lot cheaper! I'm not going anywhere a large percentage of the people don't like the color of my passport. Plus, there are a ton of places in this big beautiful country of ours we have not been yet. Also been to France, Germany, Italy, Brazil, Ireland, Mexico in the past - some of them several times on business. Mexico was a once and done for us. A lot of people love it and the people are great - the ones who are not trying to kill or kidnap you. Love the food too, but Mexican restaurants here like Indian restaurants in the UK - lots of them - more than Starbucks! Plus, in case you hadn't guessed by now, I cook a lot of international cuisines. at home. My personal recipe book in progress is over 400 recipes so far, some with multiple versions. Ya gotta keep busy when you retire, it's not just all about gardening, the irrigation system and the neighbors will look after it while you are gone. :cool:

Esther Knapicius

Full Access Member
Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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4 to 5 best for success.
United States
@cntrlwagdnr ,, KEYWEST--know it well, went every year for 2-3 weeks for about 18 years, did stop going about 3 years ago. However need to go back soon for business. We are involved with the Mel Fisher group, the treasure hunters, on boats looking for coins, emeralds etc. Lots of fun. Met lots of neat folks. We are in a book they put out about 4 years ago, husband and I, noted 3 or 4 times with our picture. Stayed last in Truman Annex. used to stay for years on Higgs Beach. Always rented a bike, know the island like my back hand. And Lincoln City, Or, also know that town decently, have been to that coast twice. Stayed in Newport , at Sylvia Beach Hotel, best B&B. then onward to Astoria, Or. stayed a bit there. Would love to go back when there is a good storm to see the Columbia river crashing into the Pacific Ocean. Usually from there, I travel off East to Seattle direction to stay a bit with my cousins, then fly out of Seattle. Jamaica, never been, has not been on our list. We did the Bahamas three times, its ok, I liked the island in Belize. starts with a "A", only allowed golf carts. Been to Cancun, might go back, might not. Been to Dominican Republic, not to return. Costa Rica another not to return. Scotland my only big over the pond trip, loved it. glad I got it out the way before the virus. A really pretty awesome sweet trip was Christmas in Old City Quebec., stayed in a nice B&B, very old, nicely done, close to all walking things. Moving forward our show car keeps us busy to new and old adventures of places.

When are you going back to Key West? Part of me is thinking December or January. nothing in stone. A friend want to meet up with me if I get down there. Husband may not want to go. After a while we did get tired of the place. Oh, yes, Hawaii, was there at age 22, and single. what a hoot. Later.

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