My bedding petunias and acorn squash were set back a bit from a cold snap a week ago but they seem to be growing again.
I am pleased that I bought a couple packs of Opera petunia seed last fall.
Only one opera plant in these baskets.
My yellow rose of Texas is about to go into bloom, no sign of leaf hoppers yet. They tend to ravage these rose leaves if I don't hit them every few days with a hard water spray.
My red velour petunias, three plants per basket. Should be stunning when they are hanging five ft down.
Scarlet runner beans and petunias, I didn't feel like filling the veggie trug with potting soil this year.
I quickly snipped some of my Iris flower stalks yesterday before the storm and have them on my piano now. Usually storms make the flop over but as you can see no floppers, I could have left them alone.
The petunias on my ladders are from cutting I took, they will be in their full glory when the basket petunias are getting sorry looking and need their late July trimming.