I'd say I am an evolving gardener. Years ago before we owned a home I was a pot gardener that moved everything when we moved. Anything that did get in the ground got potted up and came along too.
Made for some interesting moves. I was primarily into veggie gardening.
Later we got a home and my small collection of perennials got their feet in the ground. Those early years were spent planting and maintaining fruit/nut crops and veggies. Later I moved into year round gardening for veggies. After a series of winters with unusual cold killing off my winter cole crops I moved more perennial flowers into my veggie garden space. I still intermix veggies and perennials throughout the garden. My herb garden is in a two foot space along the south side of the house.
All the while I have kept my pots and their numbers have slowly grown. The pots are for new plants as I decide where I want them. Sometimes veggies get placed in them too. Just depends on my mood and the growing season. This year scarlet runner, sunset and painted lady runner beans found homes in pots. The pots were trellised against a building. Great production.
What was once all a grass yard is now all beds. The latest is a woodland area. This area had a weedy, mossy lawn area that is now all paths and beds. With the help of cardboard, fir trees dropping lots of needles and some purchased bark it is now a restful area.
Last spring we even got a crop of morel mushrooms.
We are still evolving and transitioning. Had to remove three blighted/dying filberts this summer. That opened up an area that had not seen sunlight for a long time (had actually been one of my shade gardens). Am thinking new veggie beds, but still have a couple of ferns and hellebores to move. At one time we had had our raspberries in this area, so it is like we have come full circle. Each season my moods and desires change.