If I had the space I would have a number of different gardens. I've always wanted a cutting garden for long stemmed flowers, one for herbs, one for edibles like fruits and vegetables, and one just for roses. Of course I don't have nearly enough space for all of those things, but I'm learning how to get the most use of the space I do.
@Claudine, I can easily spend two hours or more pruning and weeding and everything else!
@jowjo5, I just rearranged some of my ornamental plants so that they would have more space and be off of my edible plants.
@ACSAPA everything I have is in containers as well. I do have access to a backyard though, and I am thinking of a small square foot raised bed. I'll probably do a couple towers for potatoes as well.
@Philphine, I'm sort of a work in progress kind of gardener as well. My container garden grew by leaps and bounds recently when my mom and I acquired a bunch of plants from the clearance section at Lowes.
@Amalia, flowers are important to start with because they attract pollinators to the garden when you're ready to grow edibles. I am slowly increasing my edibles while adding herbs, though I'd like to have a few more flowers (roses and hydrangea for starters).
@Happyflowerlady, we'll call you a laid back gardener, lol.
@Becky, research is good, time to get busy!
It's not like I think that my efforts have no value, no skill or no satisfaction, it's just that when I look at the bloke next-but-one's garden, I think, "Now that's a garden!"
I'm sure your garden is more than adequate. The bloke next door's garden seems almost like a miniature park, lol, while yours seems more like a small farm. Maybe you just need a few perennial flowering shrubs?