We're up to +5c today and the lawns now, are only half-covered with melting snow.
I checked the water supply to the garden and garage as the taps are no longer frozen.
Despite my best efforts, I still had a "burst" in the room in the back of the back of the garage. I say burst, but when I turned on the supply very low I could see water coming out of one of the pipes under the basin, so turned it off again.
The problem was with the horizontal pipe under it. Although it was insulated and all taps left open, the water in part of the system, if it expands before freezing, has nowhere to go. You can get a burst anywhere, when it's freezing, it just finds the weakest point.
Anyway, it wasn't a problem, I just turned it all off again and removed the damaged length of pipe, measured and cut a new length, (I'm always prepared) then with a couple of olives and a bit of ptf tape, it was all done and dusted with the insulation replaced, in ten minutes.
I checked the water heater, that's working fine as is the basin tap and the tap on the side of the shed. So everything is back to normal.
But I turned the supply off and opened all the taps, again, in case it freezes again.
No gardening of course, but there's been plenty of tennis, from Australia on Eurosport. They are 11 hours ahead of us, so there were several live matches to watch, as their night games don't finish until at least 1.00pm here.