I got done today what I said I would do, including "turning over the jukeboxes."
They do have on their thermal "winter coats" and heaters, but they don't like inactivity. Lots of leaf switches open to the air. Hopefully, they will continue to function as and when during the winter, before they get more use in the warmer months.
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We've always said there isn't enough room for one in my den...the front room. We wouldn't want one in the lounge. But my wife has recently suggested it might be possible. I think she's concerned about me going down there at my age, when it's really cold.
It could go just inside the door where I presently have my piano.
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I could always move the piano and put it under my jukebox wall boxes on the back wall. My only concern is that it would be in front of the radiator. But the wall boxes have come to no harm, being above it for 15 years.
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It'd be the small one that I would bring in.
It's a major job, as it weighs around 300lb.
I have still got the ramp I made to get it up the tea-house steps when I bought it.
But it will be a case of negotiating it past this acer palmatum.
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All the records would have to come out, the turntable lifted off and the tone arm taped down. It'll be easy to move on my sack truck. I can use the ramp to get it through our front door. I'd need a couple of big squares of hardboard on the floor, to stop its castors ruining the carpet as it was rolled in. Then a square of plywood to sit in on to stop the castors from digging into the carpet.
But it's a job for the warmer months. If I decide to do it, I'll get my son to give me a lift. He helped me get it into the tea-house over fifteen years ago. It's not a decision I need to make now.
I've still the wisterias on the back of the hose to prune, but that needs a dryer day.