A while ago I repotted all my bulbs, not really knowing what was what. We have had a fair few paperwhites, bulbs that were recovered from small, forced pots we were given, they came in ones and twos as they were not fully recovered, but picked and brought in they made the house smell great. Now I am getting Jet Fire blooming, another early one with a nice red trumpet, and a lot of small iris. Various other daffodils starting to put up buds, Spring is coming !!
Spent a fair while clearing a log pile which was in a dark corner by the hedge, a lot of dead leaves and litter in amongst them as well made the logs all sopping wet, moved them out where they will dry. The robin was very interested, every time I came back he was foraging among the litter or sitting up on one of the logs studying it for movement.
Raked up a lot of dead leaves and put on top of the wood I put in the trench I dug earlier, I have a good covering, Then I constructed a new compost container and moved all the green and un-rotted compost off the top of the heap so I have access to the bottom, that will be next into the hole.
Put new edging on a couple of beds in places and tidied up the paths, more leaves for the pit.
Indoors I moved seed trays that had started sprouting from the propagator to the windowsill, mainly various broccoli and tomatoes.
Quite a productive sort of a day.