What did you do in your garden today?

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Fortunately, I'm on top of the leaf clearance, so I can get on with other interests, like working my way around my new laptop.

Oliver Buckle

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Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
chopped wood, cleared the ashes and clay from my last bonfire and put them through the riddle, cleared the paving slabs and bricks the water butts were stood on, covered the broad beans against pigeons, and got very cold hands.

big rockpile

Full Access Member
May 17, 2023
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Lebanon, Missouri
United States
This is one of those sit in the House days.

I don't have Heat Mats for the Greenhouse yet and I planted some Green Beans to check my soil out.

Figured it would be warmer in the house under Grow Light. So it has a New Home.

big rockpile

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Far too wet to do anything today, other than feed the birds and squirrels.
We've a flock of about a dozen sparrows that frequent the feeder under the azaleas next to the patio.
This area I screened off as there's an (unoccupied at present) hedgehog house in there. There's wire mesh around it that only birds the size of blackbirds or smaller can get through. The sparrows, if disturbed, fly up through the azaleas as a flock. As you can see (here in May) it's quite dense, but they manage to fly through it.


I've got to grips with my new printer.

P1010290 - Copy.JPG

My only complaint is the size of the screen that tells you what you're doing. To read it, I have to sit down, not what I usually do if I'm printing stuff.
It was a bit of a pain to set up. It's easy for people with smart phones (I won't have one, they control some people's lives). So I had to go on-line to find the drivers. These days you don't get a disk as most new laptops like the one I bought two weeks ago, don't have them.

Also, I couldn't register it with Epson as their site couldn't recognise the serial number. I'm not that bothered. I bought it from my wife's shopping channel. It uses ink bottles so they say it has three years capacity and comes with a five year guarantee. It's wi-fi so one less cable to attach.
I've kept my old laptop and the cable from the old printer that will attach to the new one, (they don't supply one as it's wi-fi but has a socket for one). So if I'm in that room upstairs, I can print stuff, if necessary, that is on the old laptop.

My wife had a list of stuff she wanted printed off. It prints quickly, so that didn't take long.


Full Access Member
Mar 29, 2019
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United States
Far too wet to do anything today, other than feed the birds and squirrels.
We've a flock of about a dozen sparrows that frequent the feeder under the azaleas next to the patio.
This area I screened off as there's an (unoccupied at present) hedgehog house in there. There's wire mesh around it that only birds the size of blackbirds or smaller can get through. The sparrows, if disturbed, fly up through the azaleas as a flock. As you can see (here in May) it's quite dense, but they manage to fly through it.

View attachment 100944

I've got to grips with my new printer.

View attachment 100945

My only complaint is the size of the screen that tells you what you're doing. To read it, I have to sit down, not what I usually do if I'm printing stuff.
It was a bit of a pain to set up. It's easy for people with smart phones (I won't have one, they control some people's lives). So I had to go on-line to find the drivers. These days you don't get a disk as most new laptops like the one I bought two weeks ago, don't have them.

Also, I couldn't register it with Epson as their site couldn't recognise the serial number. I'm not that bothered. I bought it from my wife's shopping channel. It uses ink bottles so they say it has three years capacity and comes with a five year guarantee. It's wi-fi so one less cable to attach.
I've kept my old laptop and the cable from the old printer that will attach to the new one, (they don't supply one as it's wi-fi but has a socket for one). So if I'm in that room upstairs, I can print stuff, if necessary, that is on the old laptop.

My wife had a list of stuff she wanted printed off. It prints quickly, so that didn't take long.
Nice garden, and printer. :)

big rockpile

Full Access Member
May 17, 2023
Reaction score
Lebanon, Missouri
United States
Woke up it was 20F. Got around checked the Greenhouse it was 50F which is OK but I turned the Heater up.

Electric was off a while yesterday so all my Timers were off. Could only reset one, the others just know their off.

Did some watering and repotting.

big rockpile
Last edited:

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Played golf yesterday, it was -2c at 8.00am. Warmed up a bit later, but at least it was dry.

Guess what? It's raining. So no gardening today, or golf either tomorrow as it will rain.

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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4 to 5 best for success.
United States
Still too wet out there to really get back to the leaf removal tasks. But yesterday they come over to blow all the leaves off the roof, and now I have more to deal with , WONDERFUL.

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Baled out of golf today, as it was going to rain, good decision!

Heard from my "fence man." He's had a look at the back fence and suggested it needs two posts and three base panels and the posts are for 7ft fences.
Looking back, after examining it this morning, I have a vague recollection of when I had it done, that there are two base panels between the posts because my garden is higher than his.
I paid for it all and the previous occupant of that house never offered to go halves and I didn't ask them, so it's "my fence."

The £100 estimate is out the window, as it is now likely to cost £300. But it needs doing. So I said go ahead. I won't mention sharing the cost with my neighbour. At some time the four wooden panels will need replacing, so he can pay for these. I'm sure he will. A few years ago he had one replaced which had rotted and would have been inaccessible from my side and he never mentioned having it done.

My only concern is still my bamboo.

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Hardly gardening as it's far too wet. But I did spend some time in our summerhouse checking out my jukeboxes. Both have 60w heaters in them and insulating covers, to ward off cold and damp "which they don't like." I also gave them a "lube job" and turned them over a few times. "Use is the best form of preventative maintenance" that involves motors (4 in each) and exposed leaf switches and some solenoids.
The heaters have thermal cut-outs which they occasionally activate, but then sometimes don't re-set, so I give them a thump with the palm of my hand and they come on again.

I also took photos of the title cards, as I needed to update my catalogue of what's in them. I've changed a few records this year.


Saving the titles as photos is easier than typing out a spread-sheet. As they are in order of artist's Christian name, or name of group or band, it's easy to check. Although I do keep a list of surplus ones.

As there's 130 records in them and I've about 100 surplus ones that are presently "out of favour," It's as well to know what I've got. It stops me hearing something on the radio and deciding I'll try and find a 45 of something I've already got. "Has happened."

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